Lifestyle Fashion

What to do if you suspect a urinary yeast infection

Most women would do a lot to avoid getting sick. Especially when it comes to something like a urinary tract yeast infection. These are definitely not pleasant, although they are usually not that serious. Some women seem to be more predisposed than others, knowing all the signs and symptoms by heart. However, it doesn’t matter if she has had them before or not, it is always better to see a doctor if she suspects that she has this type of infection just to check it out. There are a number of conditions with similar symptoms, and you want to make sure you use the right treatment. She doesn’t want to risk missing a more serious illness because she assumed it was just a yeast or urinary tract infection.

There are a number of signs that you might have a urinary tract yeast infection. These will most likely include things like painful urination, having to urinate more often, and redness or pain in this area. The fungus that causes yeast infections is normally present in the body in small numbers, but sometimes this fungus gets out of control due to a course of antibiotics or something else that disrupts the balance of organisms in the urinary tract. A doctor can do a test to check to see if you really have this type of infection or something different. Many people end up assuming they have a yeast infection or UTI and end up with a misdiagnosis, so seeing your doctor is an important step.

Once it is determined that you do indeed have a urinary yeast infection, your doctor will be able to advise you on which prescription or over-the-counter medications would be best to treat your condition. You’ll also want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid getting another one of these yeast urinary tract infections. Drinking plenty of fluids and making sure to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom can help. Those who suffer from conditions such as diabetes or immune disorders are also more likely to get urinary tract yeast infections, so they need to take extra precautions. It may also help to wear cotton underwear instead of nylon and avoid wearing tight clothing. You want to keep the area dry.

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