Lifestyle Fashion

The benefits of B vitamins – The Happy Vitamin

One of the biggest complaints in today’s society is “I’m tired,” “I don’t have energy,” or “I’m depressed.” Vitamin B, also known as the happy vitamin, can help reduce these discomforts. And in today’s world, who couldn’t use a HAPPY vitamin?

Very often these symptoms are your body telling you that something is missing. Some necessary ingredient you need to maintain an energetic and healthy state. If you give your body what it needs, it will sustain itself and heal itself. Our bodies are amazing machines that only require a little maintenance and raw materials.

B vitamins are one of those very important raw materials.

The “happy” vitamin, as the B vitamins are rightfully called, is perfect for balancing many systems in the body. But what makes a good B-complex supplement? Here are some rules:

First, let’s look at the composition.

There are eight known B vitamins and all good products have all eight, in somewhat balanced form. The eight (8) are thiamine (B-1), riboflavin (B-2), panothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B-6, biotin, folacin, and B-12. They are essential for human metabolism, growth, reproduction, general health, appetite, normal functioning of the digestive tract, nervous stability, and blood cell formation.

The B vitamins are competitive in the body, so balance is important. The B vitamins must be taken together in a balanced and complex form in order for your body to use them properly. Your metabolism can be thrown out of balance by taking an isolated component of B’s ​​alone.

Some of the components of a B complex are expensive to have in the supplement. Some are very cheap. Thus, when one sees 6000% of the recommended daily allowance of a B, (the cheapest) and 20% of the expensive one, it is best to find out how much research has actually been done on the product.

B vitamins are like sports equipment. There is no “ME on TEAM”, we need everyone to work together to achieve a winning combination. “You are only as strong as your weakest link.” “Win one for the Gipper” —wait’– I think I’m going astray….

The FDA does not require vitamin companies to conduct research on their products. Therefore, most companies do not do much or any research; It costs too much. The old adage “you get what you pay for” really does hold true for vitamins and supplements. It is worth the effort to find a company that does the clinical research and can back up their nutritional claims.

Second, you need to think about bioavailability. What happens to a nutrient when it is consumed? Does it pass through the system unused, or does it enter the bloodstream in the correct amount and do the job it is intended to do?

The right mix of all eight types of B vitamins is needed for it to be properly absorbed. Folic acid is a great example of this. It is very difficult for folic acid to reach the bloodstream. If taken alone, a large part of each pill will pass through you and never be absorbed. But if taken correctly in a balanced way, folic acid could reduce hospital costs for women of childbearing age by up to approximately $20 billion per year.

The B vitamins have many positive effects on our bodies. They are so important that they are one of the few nutrients that are required by the federal government to be added to certain foods.

The problem with relying solely on food for an adequate supply of B is that high heat, slow cooking, light, baking soda, and baking powder destroy B vitamins.

Consuming sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods also causes your body to lose its supply of B vitamins. If that wasn’t enough, stress is another factor that can lead to depletion of your body’s stores.

The importance of supplementing your diet with B shows every time you eat foods that contain carbohydrates. To metabolize carbohydrates, the body requires B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, phosphorus, and magnesium. Since the last four of these are not replaced by the “enrichment” of the food product, the body must draw on its own reserves.

For every ounce of white flour we consume, the body must provide the aforementioned nutrients to digest the flour; Pantothenic acid, (B5) is obtained from nervous and muscular tissue; Pyridoxine (B6) is taken from the Brain; Phosphorus and magnesium are extracted from the heart and bones.

As we deplete the body of these compounds, we begin to weaken nerve and muscle tissue, which could lead to nerve problems and loss of muscle tone. Loss of brain tissue will affect memory functions. And finally, phosphorous depletion will weaken muscle and rhythm function, affecting heart rate.

Processing removes these nutrients and fortification does not add them in a way our bodies can use, therefore our diet must receive these nutrients in some other way, such as supplements, or we will suffer a loss of bodily function later in life. .

The benefits of B vitamins include: – Helps convert food into energy – Helps form healthy red blood cells – Has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease – Has been found to reduce or even eliminate PMS symptoms – Helps reduce or eliminate anemia – Minimizes and even eliminates depression. – Helps prevent birth defects

If you’re still not sure if you should supplement your diet with a good B complex vitamin, here is a list of some indicators that may suggest you’re not keeping enough of the nutrient in your system:

– Humor changes
– irritability
– nervousness
– tired
– depression
– headache
– dizziness
– shaking
– loss of appetite
– insomnia
– and sugar cravings.

So come on, let’s all be happy!

Think about it…

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