Lifestyle Fashion

Some home remedies for angular cheilitis

Angular cheilitis comes in bacterial and fungal forms. There are a number of traditional or western medicinal remedies as well as natural remedies on the market. The following is a list of potential home remedies that some people have had success with, but are by no means guaranteed to work.

  1. Anti fungal diet. There is an antifungal diet that has been used to treat yeast infections that is also known to work on angular cheilitis. This means avoiding refined sugar, bread, yeast, dairy, alcohol, and sweets. Rather eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and whole foods. It will take a few days to take effect, but it is rumored to be of great help.
  2. Short water fast. This means that you do not drink anything for two or three days. Be very careful when trying this sort of thing, as you can get quite dehydrated, which brings with it a variety of problems. The idea is to deprive the fungus of water so that it dries up and dies.
  3. Creams for diaper rash. These soothe the skin and help keep the area moist and supple. If followed by the application of a petroleum-based cream to help lock in moisture, it can be even more effective as one of the home remedies for angular cheilitis.
  4. Candidiasis cream. Sometimes it is caused by a yeast infection or yeast-like fungus. Some people have had success curing the problem with a regular yeast infection cream that is available at most pharmacies.
  5. Antibacterial cream. If antifungal creams don’t work, your cheilitis may be caused by bacteria. Find a good antibacterial cream and apply it several times a day.
  6. coconut butter One of the remedies for angular cheilitis that can be self-applied is coconut butter. Coconut butter is rich in B vitamins, deficiency of which is known to cause angular cheilitis. If this works for you, you may want to consider taking a vitamin B complex every day to help keep it off.
  7. Sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda or baking soda has been used in the treatment of the condition by some who have not had any success with the other available remedies for angular cheilitis. No one is sure why it works, maybe something in the chemical makeup is for angular cheilitis like salt is for snails. Be careful, it does burn a bit but it works right away.
  8. A topical application of colloidal silver. Many scientists have praised the healing properties of silver. Apparently, a colloidal silver cream is also effective against cheilitis.

There are many other home remedies for angular cheilitis. Be careful when using any of these remedies, as they can actually be potentially dangerous to your health. Do plenty of research before trying the remedy, and make sure you know everything there is to know about the remedy before trying it and potentially making the problem worse.

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