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How to Easily Develop Personal Power with Astrology

There is a very spiritual and esoteric side to astrology that is not well known to the general public. Much knowledge has been channeled in the last century and those who want to find answers to secrets that have been hidden for centuries can do so. You can develop your personal power by getting in touch with different planets at special times of the day.

It is common knowledge among astrologers that there is no coincidence between the discovery of planets and the conscious development of the human race. The planets have been discovered as scientific instruments have been developed, however many spiritual astrologers will tell you that the planets did not want to be discovered until humanity was ready to incorporate the essence of what they have to contribute. We can see the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn with the naked eye. As Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were revealed, corresponding principles emerged in humanity.

Pluto as that body in the sky brings us a magical and mystical side of manifestation. Great spirit beings can move to other realms, travel back in time, create a gold ring out of thin air, heal the sick, and master other miraculous powers. It is possible to harness the power and mystery of Pluto.

What is personal power? Personal power has several definitions, but one is the ability to invoke the power you want and need to achieve what you set out to do.

Power is under the dominion of Pluto. People who were born with a strong Pluto have an easier time manifesting what they want if they have become aware of this inner energy. If they are not aware of it, they will find struggles with others a constant theme in their lives.

However, even if Pluto is not strong on your chart, you can consciously attract Pluto’s energy and learn to focus it toward your goals.

You will need a simple astrological calculation program. Next, you will need to know the position and location of Pluto in your natal chart. There will be 8 times a day that you will be able to access Pluto and channel the power and gift of that planet. When Pluto is ascending, which means it is ascending, when Pluto is in the middle of the sky, establishing, in the descending and IQ, the cusp of the fourth house. So again, all of these positions are in the degree of your natal Pluto. For example, if transiting Pluto is 4 degrees Capricorn, you’ll want to know when it will rise, be in the middle of the sky, settle down, and in the IC. You will do this using your astrology program. The second set of times, will be the degree of your natal Pluto, if your natal Pluto is 2 degrees Libra, find out at what times of the day 2 degrees Libra is rising, in the middle of the sky, setting and the IC. These times will give you several to choose from, the preference would be the ascent of Pluto in transit.

In that moment, sit quietly, focus within, take a deep breath, and with each breath, feel enormous power entering your body through the third eye. Bring the power to the center of your brain, then let it penetrate your brain cells and then through the body.

The practice of this meditation will infuse you with the power that Pluto carries and you will be able to use your focus to visualize and use mindfulness meditation to receive answers and ideas that you need to have what you want in life.

Astrologers know the secrets of astrology; learn astrology and you too can be your own astrologer.

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