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Book Review: Laying the Foundations of Creation – Building Blocks in Science

Parker, a former evolutionist, is uniquely qualified to present both sides of the evolution vs. creation. With a Ph.D. in biology, he lectures for Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis.

Using the metaphor of the building, each chapter begins with a rubric cube-like image. Towards the end, an article, “Shape Your Foundation,” guides the reader to establish foundational truths. Finally, a question page, “Building Inspection” summarizes the key points. Bonus projects provide students with engaging assignments to further explore the ideas presented in the book.

Three main areas for the three units:

  1. war of worldviews
  2. dinosaurs!
  3. human origins

Beginning with the War of Worldviews, Parker sets the stage and continues the contrasting views throughout the book.

The key to the debate presented by Parker lies in understanding the scientific method and how it cannot be applied to much of the evolutionary claims. Since the scientific method requires that an observer must observe the event and that it must be repeatable for others to observe, the origin of man and our world does not fall within the purview of science to the extent assumed by many. Both evolutionists and creationists must have “faith” in their understanding of our origins. Our core beliefs affect how we understand what we observe in our lives today. Parker argues well that what we see today does not invalidate the Creator’s account of the origin of humanity and our world.

Dr. Parker introduces readers to key evolutionary figures: Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, Francis Crick, Thomas Henry Huxley, Ernst Haeckel, and Henry Fairfield Osbourne. He also mentions famous scientists who were Christians.

According to the Fry Readability Scale, this book is rated at an upper secondary reading level. Younger students may also enjoy this book as the terms used have many syllables. Parker does a good job of explaining complex concepts in terms that most of us can understand.

Have you ever wondered why the Bible doesn’t talk about dinosaurs if they lived alongside humans? Easy answer: the word “dinosaurs” was not used until the 19th century. The giant mentioned in Job 40:15-24 best describes what we know as dinosaurs because of the strong cedar-like tail. The elephant or the rhinoceros are sometimes presented as candidates but they do not have tails like the cedar.

Fee Quotes:

“Scientific evidence in God’s world supports the historical record in God’s Word, the Bible: God’s perfect creation, corrupted by man’s sin, destroyed in Noah’s flood, restored to new life in Jesus Christ, summarized in four C’s: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, and Christ”. P.15

“Models of creation and evolution involve elements of history and philosophy that are beyond the reach of science, but both also make predictions about the kinds of evidence found in our world that can be tested by repeatable observation.” and the methods of empirical science”. P. 38 Parker provides a series of charts that illustrate the dramatic contrasts of these two models.

Look for this book and Parker’s next book in the Laying A Creation Foundation series, Building blocks in life sciences at Answers in Genesis has a wealth of valuable resources for families and teachers. Also visit the Christian Ministries International website:

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