
get rid of earwigs naturally

Beliefs about earwigs are certainly not true. They said earwigs got their name because they enter the human brain through the ears. Earwigs are not dangerous and do not enter the brain. They are insects that crawl around your house, especially if you have fruits and vegetables in storage; earwigs are attracted to them.

Earwigs do not reside inside your home. They just crawl into your house. To prevent them from entering your home, check windows and doors for any openings that serve as entry points. Earwigs like moist, moist places. They hide in dark areas outdoors. To prevent earwigs around your home, remove logs, leaves, and other debris. If the infestation is severe, it may be helpful to put stones around the house. Birdbaths and bird feeders can also kill earwigs because they eat them. If earwigs are destroying your plants, a can of vegetable oil or bacon grease can kill them.

Using pesticides can help eliminate them, but you must first let them in before you kill them. Here are other ways to get rid of earwigs in your home.

  • Keep green plants away. Earwigs like plants, fruits, and vegetables, so it’s best to keep plants away from your home. Earwigs infest your plants and if you bring them into your home, you will also take the earwigs with you. Earwigs can destroy your home and furniture. Watering your plants is also favorable for earwigs because they like moist, moist areas. Spraying soapy water can kill earwigs on plants.
  • Use vapor lights. Avoid using white lights because they attract earwigs, but if you want to catch them then white light is recommended. Place a can of soapy water under the light so the earwigs fall in and drown.
  • Use paper traps. Moistening a newspaper with water or vegetable oil is effective for catching earwigs. Wrap the newspaper in a rubber band and place it where earwigs are frequent. The earwigs will crawl into the newspaper and die there because they can’t get out anymore. Throw away the newspapers every morning and remember not to use them as compost for your garden.
  • Dry damp areas of your home. Check all areas of the house, such as the pool, ponds, birdbaths, and fountains. Dry them to prevent earwig infestation. Since earwigs are attracted to moisture and humidity, they will stay away from these areas, thus eliminating them around your house.
  • Boric acid. Use boric acid to kill earwigs naturally. Applying them in your home can be very effective in getting rid of earwigs. Apply boric acid in the areas where earwigs pass, such as windows, doors, holes, floors, etc. While boric acid is effective at killing bugs, be careful when using it because it can be dangerous to children and other pets in the house. Apply it in places that are not accessible to children and pets. If you need to store them, place them where they cannot be easily reached.
  • Keep your house clean. A clean house will not only prevent earwigs, but also other insects and pests. Make sure your house is clean to avoid pest infestation. Also, after removing earwigs, keep your house clean so they don’t come back.
  • Eliminate earwig hiding place. This includes areas such as log piles, leaf or log debris, and stepping stones in your yard.

Although earwigs are not dangerous, you should be careful not to touch them because their sting can be very painful. They usually hide during the day, so use your traps at night when they come out of their spot. In some cases, earwigs can be advantageous in the garden because they kill other insects in the garden such as snails, aphids, and other nocturnal pests. They don’t cause any disease, but it’s really creepy to watch. There are a total of 22 types of earwigs in the United States alone. They feed on fruits, vegetables, insects and molds. Sealing cracks and holes in your home can prevent them from entering and affecting your life.

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October 27, 2022