Health Fitness

10 reasons not to go to the gym

I thought that getting in good shape required calisthenics in a gym or weight room of some sort and remembered that I used to train exclusively in a gym.

But even after being away from the gym for 16 months, I find myself at the top of my game from a business and fitness perspective.

The overall quality of my life has started to improve as I train solely at home and in the boot camp with equipment like bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and other equipment from time to time, rather than working out in a gym. .

Here is a summary of the benefits that occurred to me 16 months after leaving the gym:

– The annual income from my fitness products and businesses has multiplied by more than ten

– I maintain a single digit body fat percentage with ripped abs all year long

– I do at least six high-quality, distraction-free workouts per week (sometimes up to 10-12)

It does not mean that not going to the gym has diminished the procedures in my life.

But taking the road less traveled by breaking the norm and not doing what everyone else seems to do has led me to a quiet path of triumph.

I have put in the top 10 my opinions to NOT go to the gym:

1.) Unnecessary travel time

Many of us live a few minutes away from the gym, but some walk a distance of 10 to 20 minutes to get to their gym. That means traveling to and from the gym will waste about an hour or two in a week, which doesn’t include changing clothes and chatting with people.

2.) The Sheep Mentality

It is disgusting that most people have the sheep mentality by following the misinformation provided in the form of tabloid fitness magazines and commercials.

Most women are cardio queens who spend hours at a time on ellipticals, bikes, and treadmills, sadly getting nowhere fast. Ladies, you need to start doing some resistance training and cut those cardio sessions down to 20 minutes of intense interval training to burn that immovable hip, thigh and belly fat that’s holding back your sexy back.

And then there are also those stupid guys who only work their mirror muscles (abs, chest, biceps) while taking extraordinarily long rest periods between sets of upper body isolation exercises. These giant jerks often bench 300+ pounds, but they probably couldn’t execute 10 perfect, full-range-of-motion pushups with their bodyweight if their life depended on it.

When you’re suspicious, DON’T do what everyone else in the gym is doing because it’s not working!

3.) Unnecessary wait time for equipment or space

I would waste an average of 20 minutes a day waiting for fitness equipment or a certain space in the gym to kick through the habit. Not only does this waste a ton of expensive time and create an unfavorable warm-up/cool-down roller coaster, but this long stop-start format is completely counterproductive to the proper alternating set format and work-to-rest ratio for burning fat. and lose weight fast, the main goal of more than 90% of fitness enthusiasts.

I have found the most valuable strength training protocol for fat loss to be a total body strength circuit of five 50-10 exercises (50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, and conversion). In fact, you will never be able to train in this format as people are always on the team or in the training space.

You can control your training session by building a gym in your home.

4.) Sickness and disease

As far as I know, these gyms are contaminated with disease. Trainers who are overworked and exhausted have to clean up the gym after their daily program. It is not possible for them to meticulously wipe the sweat off the people on the teams after their daily shift.

Beyond catching the common cold, there are other really serious things that have spread in gyms like wildfires, such as the recent outbreak of merca staph infection.

To stay in good physical shape exercise at home!!

5.) Annoying people

The main reason I avoid gyms is because people are terribly annoying! I don’t want to chat when I’m in the middle of training.

The motivation of many of the people who come to the gym is not to exercise but to interact. And I feel enslaved when people give me rude looks during my workouts. Sure, my workouts use a lot of highly developed and unique exercises and are often disturbingly passionate, but it sucks when people look at you like you’re angry. It’s crazy to me that I get better results in short 20 minute sessions than the typical gym rat who wastes 2 hours a day achieving nothing.

But that’s not the worst part, the worst part is when people suspend you in the middle of training to ask you questions about your training routine. Sorry, go pay a trainer to advise you. I’m there on a mission, not to re-educate. That is reserved exclusively for my boot campers and my exercise list.

Also, I remember one time at the YMCA when a trainer came up to me and asked me to “please keep it down” during a set of jump squats. Needless to say, I sneered at him like a dog with a bone pulled out. I make noise when I exercise, lots and lots of animal guttural sounds. Most gyms can’t handle this, so I’ve created my own little workout exile at home so I can scream and blast my music without interruption.

6.) Expensive Memberships

And what do you think of paying for a place just to exercise? Your current rent or mortgage is not enough of a monthly expense! Plus, these scammers lock you into long-term deals that mean you’ll, in all likelihood, keep working out at the gym when your gray hair turns. Total BS.

7.) Useless equipment

I haven’t used the device for years. They don’t allow your body to train the way it was designed to move and function and they cause many overuse injuries.

If you want to get lean, tight, and muscular, all you need is your bodyweight, some bands, and some free weight options like dumbbells or kettlebells to get the job done at home or on the road.

Every couple of months I treat myself to a new training tool (I’ve been enjoying Val’s slides and rope training recently) to mix things up and keep my workouts fresh. It’s great to slowly build your own inexpensive personal gym by adding new equipment from time to time. I highly recommend it!

8.) Open Space Training Lake

The inconsiderate club owner focuses on filling his space with gigantic and expensive machines. Has he ever tried to do a walking lunge in the typical gym? The last time I did it, I ended up tripping on a loose muscle clamp and landing on my kiester.

All you need is space baby-space to move freely and explore your own body’s capabilities.

9.) Crippling dependency

The reliance on these gyms is another factor that has caused distaste for gyms. If you are used to using machines, you feel lost when you travel and cannot access the same equipment. In most cases, people think “what the heck, I’ll take some time off until I get back home, since I don’t have the right of entry to any gym here.”

I myself can guarantee that I can break you with your body weight long before I can break you with any machine, and your body weight can go through customs too! So prove to yourself that you can get results without the gym. I promise you that the best workouts of your life are waiting for you at home or in new places like a park, beach, hotel room, etc. Get out there and think different!

10.) Bad Trainers

Most trainers trick us into acquiring fake certificates from money-hungry agencies that offer outdated software. And they get paid squat with no real incentive to get results from clients.

When you go to the typical personal training gym, you walk into a factory. They are infuriating to get in and out of. They don’t care if you achieve your goals nor do they have a desire to build lasting deals with you. They only require reaching their quota; you are just another number to them.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sick to my stomach watching a jerk personal trainer charging $60 an hour to talk to an overweight client while he or she gingerly walks on their cardio machine of choice. Personal training these days is really a crime against humanity, it’s really just a glorified therapy session.

And what about this need for the hour-long workout? Where the hell did that come from? I’ll tell you where: It’s just a predetermined time to go on with an easy participation program that most gyms have borrowed from other companies that have nothing to do with fitness.

Join a fitness boot camp in your area that creates a fit community, a culture of achievement. I know a lot of great boot camp instructors around the world – people I give business instruction for who can get you better results for less than a third of the cost of typical personal training fees. If you can’t do it at home on your own, search the world for trainers using Workout Muse who will give you body- and life-changing results in less than half the time. We’ll get it out in 30 minutes and have it burning for the rest of the day!

Man, when you really think about it, why would anyone want to go to the gym if they could seamlessly set up their own dream gym at home (think basement, family room, garage, or family room)?

I mean, if you’re the type of person who’s motivated, empowered, and dedicated enough to work out on your own without fail, it seems like going to the gym might be the dumbest thing to do.

And if you need to have an incentive from a workout partner or can’t or won’t exercise on your own, the Signature Gym still falls short of providing a cost-effective, results-based solution.

I have been training intensively since I was 14 years old and have had plenty of time over the years to gain an incredible perspective on exercise for universal fitness.

And I can honestly say that if you’re serious about getting results, both in and out of your workouts, the best thing to do is avoid the gym like the plague and set up your own portable home gym or join a boot camp. physique with a proven track record of unmatched results.

I hate the gym.

It’s a joke.

It’s a waste.

It’s a police exit.

I can only hope to shed some light on what might be holding him back, both in regards to his fitness and his own life in general.

Break out of your calm zone.

Get out of the box.

Take the road less traveled and have the life-changing body and results to show for it πŸ˜‰

Spin it, buddy!


It is better to exercise at home to some extent than to visit a personal training center to achieve your goal of a fit and healthy body. But if you find it difficult to deal with it at home, then fitness boot camp can help you by giving you an effective workout at negligible cost along with optimal use of time.

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