
Training and Training Portuguese Water Dogs

It is not easy to be among the most talked about dog breeds today; Take the case of the First Dog, Bo, the Portuguese water dog. It seems that the more exotic the breed sounds, the more eagerly sought after! But in the end, the Portie, as he’s also known, is subject to almost the same common set of problems that dogs face. To treat it, you also need about the same amount of medication and veterinary care that dogs need.

With this, we move on to the main issues related to training Portuguese Water Dogs and other training tips. Any plan or strategy to defuse a ticking time bomb starts with knowing what the problem is. When potty training a dog, for example, scent marking is not the same as wetting when the dog is agitated, which further implies that the owner needs a different response in each case. But in any case, potty training is beneficial for all kinds of house training problems.

House training in general covers many types of housebreaking dilemmas. Let’s take the dog or puppy that has never been potty trained anywhere, and is starting to get used to going to the bathroom on the inside. Whether Portie or Westie, Boxer or Rottie, the dog will just need more or less potty training. This type of potty training simply requires helping the dog learn to relieve herself in the potty area and training her not to go anywhere else.

One housetraining scenario that many will find familiar is the dog that was mistakenly (or perhaps unknowingly!) trained to eliminate indoors. Such a dog can even be made to stay outside for periods of time, but for some incredible reason it will hold him the whole time until he can get inside. Also, it can be observed that the dog usually eliminates when and where the owner is out of sight.

There is really no great mystery in the above scenario. The problem is usually brought on, or made worse, by bringing the dog to your accident (or on purpose) and ranting and raving at the dog long after the “spill” has been spilled. Take note, 5 minutes after the accident is already out of the dog’s memory for the rant to be effective! It is also almost a cliché to say that yelling in front of the dog has no place in Portuguese Water Dog training, or any other training.

Potty problems like these need the owner to help bring a sense of order to the dog’s daily life, and they also need the owner to live up to discipline. Dogs prone to the potty problem just described need to trust the owner (or have the owner gain their trust) and not be anxious about them. When the owner finally wins the dog over, the dog must be taught how, where, and when to relieve himself.

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