Digital Marketing

Six-Step Approach to Effective SEO for AdSense

Simply adding Google AdSense to a website will not generate income on its own.

There should be a large influx of guests who click on the ads on the website. For this reason, internet marketers must go the extra mile to drive more traffic to the site.

How do you do this? This is where SEO for AdSense comes in.

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the technique that aims to ensure that a particular website is easily accessible to Google and other search engines and to increase the likelihood that the website will be discovered by these search engines.

Internet users tend to refuse to click on various pages of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Therefore, ranking a website in a search engine is vital in bringing more visitors to the website.

When a website naturally ranks higher in inorganic search results, it also has a higher chance of being found and visited by an Internet user.

Listed below are the strategic steps to use search engine optimization to earn more revenue through AdSense.

1. Tools

Getting help optimizing a website packed with AdSense is definitely a great idea. One of the helping hands that one may have is a software or tool specially created for optimization.

A good keyword research tool is a worthwhile investment an editor can make. This tool not only provides how many searches; it also provides how many rival pages.

Reports a calculated power of the competition to allow publishers to determine which keywords are worth targeting.

2. Research

After installing a couple of valuable SEO tools for AdSense, it would be less difficult for publishers to search for the best keywords.

However, whether or not there is software installed, publishers must make an effort in keyword research to be able to choose which keywords they want to target on a given page.

When they have already identified the target keyword, they now need to make sure that it can be found in the page URL, in the title, in the opening paragraph, perhaps a few times in the body and in the ending paragraph. Take into account the density of keywords.

3. Focus

Target only one keyword for each page. Don’t jump from topic to topic.

Otherwise, the AdSense ads may not match the content of the web page and the pages may be indexed correctly.

4. Simplicity

Keep the source code of the page as simple as possible. By doing this, AdSense ads and search engines come to understand specifically what the web page is about and can easily extract keywords.

Avoid using too many inbound links unless they are specific keywords.

5. Happy

No matter how efficiently a keyword is researched and targeted, if the audience is not forced to stay on the page and read the content, AdSense marketing efforts are useless.

How would readers be motivated to click on an ad if they have not read the page and have not increased their interest in the topic?

The content of all the pages must be unique, attractive and informative. It’s also a good idea to engage with others on discussion boards to find out what people are excited or concerned about.

6. Update

Staying current means constantly checking search engine ranking for specific keywords.

This can give the marketer an insight into how the AdSense ads are performing.

If the web page doesn’t appear on the first few pages, try checking the title and the first and last paragraphs. Sometimes just altering a few words can make a difference.

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