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Know everything about the famous William Wordsworth of all time

Who can forget the beautiful words of his imperishable poems? Either the prelude Prayed To my sister, each of his poems leaves an everlasting impression on the readers. Yes, he was the man of words and often played beautifully with them: William Wordsworth is the poet we are talking about. Although it doesn’t require much of an introduction, it’s important to share it right here.

William Wordsworth was one of the most famous poets of the 19th century. Pertaining to England, Wordsworth’s life has so many interesting features to share here.

his personal life

Wordsworth was born in the Lake District of north-west England on April 7, 1770 and died on April 23, 1850. Although orphaned at a young age, he managed to complete his studies at Saint John’s College, Cambridge University. He married Mary Hutchinson in 1802 and had five children.

his hidden love

While Wordsworth was on his tour of revolutionary France in November 1791 and joining the republican movement, he fell deeply in love with a charming Frenchwoman, Annette Vallon, who gave birth to his son the following year. However, as Wordsworth was short of money and there was great tension between the British and the French, he had to leave the place in peace the following year. But he never walked away from his responsibility to Annette and the child and did everything he could for them throughout his life. Even after marrying his childhood friend Mary; he was never removed from his duties towards these two people.

His unmatched talent

Wordsworth was a pioneer of Romanticism with the introduction of creative and unique novel poetic theories and practices.

Although the list of his popular works is endless, here are some of his timeless works:

The excursion in 1814

· Ecclesiastical sketches in 1822

The Prelude in 1850

Did you know all this?

· Wordsworth suffered from a condition called anosmia in which a person lost the ability to smell.

· Although Wordsworth began writing when he was at school, no work of his was published until 1793.

He could feel the popularity and fame of his most famous work “The Prelude” in his life. In fact, it was published after his death.

Finally, we close this Man’s commendable story by saying his famous quote, “Nature never betrayed the heart that loved her.” In truth, the essence of Wordsworth could still be felt in nature.

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