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Jim Cramer’s Real Money: Sensible Investing in a Mad World (Book Review)

At the beginning of “Jim Cramer’s Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World” within the acknowledgments, James Cramer says: I got rich using common sense principles, not precepts and elite training, and I know you can too.” And those principles are what this remarkable book is about.

In the first three chapters, the author talks about his years of investing, the mistakes he made, and how his wife Karen showed him the difference between investing and trading. As a result, I got the feeling that, for Jim Cramer, investing is going big with very profitable returns and little risk; though he advises taking risks carefully and doing a tremendous amount of homework and getting a lot of practice in trading.

What that task entails is covered in Chapter Four, “Some Basics of Investing.” In my opinion, this chapter is the most important chapter in the book, and for investors like me, who should be wearing bright green, this is a chapter to remember.

After memorizing the fourth chapter, the next step for the reader is to continue Cramer’s training basics with the fifth chapter, where he covers stock movements, large-cap investing, the importance of the Federal Reserve, and getting in and out. leave on time. When it comes to getting in and out on time, Cramer has a wonderful recipe that most investors should learn to trade with.

The next chapter delivers Cramer’s Ten Commandments and Twenty-Five Investment Rules for choosing stocks. Then the seventh chapter shows how to create a discretionary portfolio. The following chapters deal with spotting bottoms and tops with the final chapter describing advanced strategies for the more daring speculators, and then an epilogue ends the book.

About “Real Money”, the author says: “This book is the distillation of everything I have learned.” In fact, he shares a lot with readers and encourages them not to take a defeatist approach to investing. I truly believe that James Cramer wants everyone to be a winner.

“Jim Cramer’s Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World” is 300 pages long and is in hardcover with an ISBN: 743224892. The book contains Acknowledgments, Introduction, ten chapters, Afterword, and an index.

The author, James J. Cramer, grew up in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University. After working as a journalist for a few years, he returned to Harvard Law and obtained a Juris Doctor degree. Cramer then worked for Goldman Sachs and created his own hedge fund company. He then co-founded and went to work at CNBC, making his show “Mad Money” the most popular show on CNBC.

In addition to “Real Money,” James Cramer’s other books include: “Confessions of a Street Addict,” “You’re Screwed! Why Wall Street Crashed and How You Can Prosper” and “Jim Cramer’s Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich” with Cliff Mason.

“Jim Cramer’s Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World” is a real book with energy, which is very enjoyable to read because of the author’s talkative, comfortable, engaging style and his honest way of remembering his mistakes.

This book entertains and informs with brilliant ideas and great wisdom. Read it and you will see.

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