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How to Read Body Language: Top 10 Tips

Interested in learning to read body language? Would you like to be able to tell when people are lying and understand their intentions? This article will provide you with the top 10 tips for reading body language.

I feel that body language is the most important language you can learn. It bypasses verbal communication barriers and gives you insight into what others might be thinking, or what actions they are likely to take.

Remember that the art of being able to read body language is being able to look at someone, pick up the cues, and at the same time not tell that person that you’re doing this. If he does, the person will feel uncomfortable.

Tip 1. – Eyes

Dilated pupils: the person is interested in the subject.

People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They can give a lot of information about the person if you know what you are looking for. As in most situations, the same signal can be interpreted differently. It depends entirely on the circumstances in question. The example above could also mean that the person is high, or it could mean that she is focused.

Tip 2. – Hands

Open palm.- The person is relaxed and comfortable.

Hands have many expressions and are a good place to start in learning to read body language. Generally when some hands are open it means that your defenses are relaxed.

Tip 3 – Imitate

When you’re talking to someone, if they’re mimicking your body position and action, it means they’re comfortable in the situation and most likely interested in you and what you’re saying.

Tip 4 – Eyes

If someone’s eyes look to the side, it is a trait that they feel guilty. Similarly, if you are looking at the shame of this express. Remember that the eyes have many meanings and it is easy to make the wrong assessment. Practice makes perfect.

Tip 5 – Arms

The two main expressions with arms are that they are closed (bent) or open. When it folds, the person is possibly angry or disapproving. When his arms are open, the person is in an honest position and accepts the situation.

Tip 6 – Chin Rubbing

If someone rubs their chin, it usually means they are thinking.

Tip 7 – Feet

When you’re having a conversation with someone, you can tell if they’re comfortable and interested in what you’re saying by the position of their feet. When you stand facing each other, the other person’s feet face in your direction. This means that they are comfortable and their head and eyes will also be focused on you.

When you stand in front of someone, your feet point away and your head and eyes are not focused on you. They will most likely nod and agree with a fake smile. This means that the person in question is not interested and may even feel uncomfortable in the situation.

Tip 8 – Legacy

When standing, legs are a good indicator of how confident someone is. If someone is standing with his legs shoulder-width apart, he is relaxed. If they are standing with a wider stance than that, they are a confidante and are in a position with the ground to show that they are in control.

When standing cross-legged, the person is probably shy.

When sitting down if the legs are crossed it indicates that the person is in protective mode. This is used a lot in conjunction with the cross arm action.

If the legs are open when the person is sitting, then they are in a relaxed position. The same as when standing.

Tip 9 – Fingers

Fingers can create many gestures and are great at reading body language. A pointing finger can be someone pointing to an item or place, it can also indicate anger. If someone is flexing their fingers tightly, they are usually begging for something.

Drumming or tapping your fingers indicates frustration. The faster the heartbeat, the greater the frustration and tension within the person.

Tip 10 – Eyebrows

Eyebrows have many uses. Some examples are listed below. When the eyebrows are raised, the person is usually shocked or surprised. The bigger the surprise, the more uplifted they will be. When someone moves their eyebrow up and down rapidly, they are greeting another person or showing that they have recognized them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning how to read body language tips. Remember that reading body language is not a skill that can be learned overnight. The more you practice, the easier it will become and the more subtle you will be able to do it.

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