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First rule of marketing: a confused mind always says "No"

Dear small business owner, I get it. Marketing is not your thing. Your business is your thing and you wouldn’t even think about marketing if you weren’t trying to promote your product or service. So while you try to wear all the different hats needed to start and grow a small business, let me tell you about the A #1, top and most important rule of marketing:

A confused mind always says “no”

I learned this from my first business mentor, but it really goes way beyond sales. In fact, I can’t think of an area of ​​life where this doesn’t apply. Take a moment now and think about it. I bet you can’t think of a situation where you were confused, but still anxious to move on without all the necessary information. Good? When humans are confused, they tend to stop and examine what they are doing. They begin to doubt the wisdom of their current direction. They will often backtrack a bit and may even put the current task aside for further consideration. In sales, this is the kiss of death.

If you started with a storefront business, you may be a bit out of this reality. In person, customers can ask questions, giving you the opportunity to allay any confusion without even realizing it. When it comes to doing business online, you don’t have that opportunity, so it’s vital to identify and address any potential confusion in your customers’ minds as they look at your website or ad.

Think of it this way: To sell anything online, you’re basically asking customers to give you their protected payment and contact information, and just trust that you’ll honor your end of the bargain. That’s a lot to ask! If a stranger came up to you and asked for this information, you would tell them to fill it out. It’s not enough that a customer can want what you’re selling, they also have to trust that you’ll deliver it. The moment they think “Huh?” while looking at your ad or website, you have lost the sale.


  • Don’t think your website is more important than your ads or posts on social media. Everything you write is a reflection of your business and the first contact is just as important as the “buy” page.

  • Minimize typos and spelling errors. Careless mistakes can indicate a lack of sincerity or attention to detail, which buyers can translate as a poor work ethic.

  • Don’t assume that people know something. If there are options, taxes or shipping, please make it clear.

  • Spell out your offer every time. When posting on social media, be sure to include your business name and what you’re selling EVERY TIME.

  • Don’t overload customers with too many options, selections, or proprietary terminology.

  • Organize your magnificent array of options in a way that doesn’t overwhelm first-time buyers.

  • Don’t worry about being repetitive. Of course, there’s no need to repeat yourself in an ad, for example, but you never know how people will find you. It is important to include the name of your business and what you are selling in every copy you write.

  • Speak in your own voice, but edit for clarity. You want your style to shine, but not at the expense of readability.

  • Don’t publish your first draft. Write it down, write it down and come back to it. You’ll always find a way to improve it after you’ve let it sit for a while.

  • Have someone else look at it. Just because it makes sense to you doesn’t mean it makes sense to anyone else. Have someone read it and find out if they have any questions.

Marketing is a specialized field

Remember, marketing is a specialized field. Countless dollars and hours have been spent studying and refining the science of sales. You cannot be expected to master it unless you have taken the time to study it yourself. If you need help, I am here ready to help all kinds of small businesses make their dreams come true.

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