
You are unique, understand and accept your uniqueness to start a path towards optimal health

Have you ever wondered why a diet works for one person but not for another? You may be eating what society calls healthy, but your digestion slows down. Why do most western doctors only look at the symptoms and not the true source? Why do doctors only ask about your physical appearance and nothing about your mental state of mind? If you are tired of this, there is a solution. A new but very old way of looking at health: it is Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is a health system from India that views each person as a unique person with their own unique balance. Ayurveda is divided into Ayur = Life and Veda = science. This is the science of life that looks at your whole being. It also recognizes that you are constantly evolving and changing. Ayurveda is not a quick fix but a way of life. Ayurveda looks at how you eat, what you eat, your lifestyle, what you do during the day and then suggests a detox/cleanse with a set of spa-like treatments. There is also an energetic component in Ayurveda that helps remove mental and emotional trauma from the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda is about you and accepting and understanding yourself. You must first understand that your body and mind are set up to be in balance. This balance is different for everyone. An Ayurveda practitioner or educator will look at your physical appearance, take your pulse, and ask you various questions about what you eat, how you eat, and what your average day is like. We will ask you what is bothering you or why you entered. From there, the practitioner/educator will create a unique eating and lifestyle plan. We can also recommend herbs or supplements and explain their unique balance to you. But before you start that process, you need to understand the following.

The first step is to understand your unique balance and break through any belief systems you may have. The media show you how you should look, how you should act, and what you should eat. Social media shows off the new diet or trends that should make you feel and look your best. By understanding your unique balance, you can have a better understanding of how and why that might or might not work for you. Part of understanding your unique balance is paying attention to your body. When you slow down and pay attention to signs, this will help you keep your balance. After eating, how does food make you feel? How is your digestion? Is this a balance for you or not? Knowing your unique balance and listening to your body for confirmation is the first step in embracing your uniqueness. Releasing belief systems of what you should be and an Ayurveda consultation can help you find the unique balance of who you are.

The second step is to love your whole being. You need to feel comfortable in your own body and understated what your optional health is. Understand that some people’s body types are bigger or smaller than others, and no matter what, you can’t fit into another body type. If you try to adjust to another body type, it will be a struggle and it won’t last long. You must understand how you experience your emotions and feel your emotions. It’s important to know which foods make you feel good or bad and have the willpower to do what’s right for you. You must also take into account our karma and life energy. You can do all the right things, but sometimes you still get unbalanced. This is when you should spend more time appreciating all that you have. You must accept and love yourself, knowing that you are perfect in your unique balance.

Finally, you need to understand that everything affects our unique balance, time of day, season, time of life, people, emotions, food, and lifestyle. Your daily eating routines and lifestyles may have to change depending on these factors. You constantly have to be aware and make changes accordingly. Living with the flow of nature, within the seasons and being able to adapt and change will also give you the ability to adapt and change in your life so you don’t get stagnant or stuck.

Once you start on the path of understanding that you are unique and breaking belief systems, loving your unique self and understanding that you are changing, Ayurveda can help you by creating an eating and lifestyle plan just for you.

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February 9, 2023