
Windows XP Error Code 18 – How To Fix Error Code 18 On Your XP PC

Error code 18 is quite a common error on Windows XP system and it is caused by damaged or corrupted drivers. This error usually shows up when you want to use a certain piece of hardware, like a gaming device, and you don’t have the driver installed correctly. To resolve this error, you need to be able to repair the various driver errors that cause it to show up.

This error will normally display in this format:

  • The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 18)

The cause of this error, as described, is due to driver issues. More specifically, drivers may be faulty, corrupted, or out of date, preventing your computer from using the hardware components it needs to function. Since Windows XP is actually quite an old system, it does not have any of the built-in drivers that many of the newer Windows systems have out of the box. This means that if you have added new or obscure hardware components to your XP machine, you should first find a driver for the component or update any drivers you already have.

The first step in resolving error code 18 is to install / reinstall the various drivers that are causing the error. To do this, you need to look in Windows “Device Manager” and look in the list of hardware for one that has a yellow exclamation point. This shows that Windows does not have a driver for this component or that the driver is outdated / corrupted. You need to identify the piece of hardware and then update the driver accordingly (which you can get from the manufacturer’s website). Alternatively, there are a number of programs that will automatically update all the drivers on your system, allowing your computer to run much more smoothly again.

The second step in resolving this error is to use a “registry cleaner” to clean up any of the errors and problems within the Windows kernel. These are software tools that clean your PC’s “registry database”, which is where Windows stores all the files and settings that your computer requires to function. The registry stores everything from your desktop wallpaper to your most recent emails, and it’s also where Windows saves much of your main settings (like driver information), making it one of the most important parts. from your system. Unfortunately, many parts of the registry often get corrupted / damaged, causing your system to develop all kinds of errors. To repair this part of your PC, it is essential that you use a registry cleaner to scan all the settings and options that could get corrupted within the registry and cause error code 18.

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