Health Fitness

Who should drink coffee?

Scientists have long believed that coffee is beneficial to our health. It helps our heart function normally and now scientists believe we should drink four shots of espresso per day or cups of coffee containing equivalent amounts of caffeine. This idea was proposed by a group of German researchers who discovered that coffee affects the cells in our blood vessels, making them function as if they were younger than they are. Older adults can benefit from the stimulation that coffee provides to their cells.

The results of two major studies of coffee drinkers, one conducted in the US by the National Institutes of Health studied more than 400,000 people and the other conducted in Europe studied 521,330 people. Both found that people who drink coffee are less likely to die of heart disease. This particular finding debunks the old myth that people with heart problems shouldn’t drink coffee.

Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver, a lower risk of developing some cancers, a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and are less likely to suffer from depression than people who don’t drink the brew.

But what if you don’t like the taste of coffee? Green tea could be the answer to this question, since it contains similar amounts of caffeine.

However, a word of warning before you go overboard on your caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can make your heart beat faster and cause other health problems. Different people have different reactions to caffeine. One person could easily drink four or five cups of coffee a day, while another person could suffer adverse effects. Scientists have also said that because caffeine may be responsible for growing blood vessels, this may have the effect of giving more oxygen to stimulate cancerous tumors. So if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, stay away from coffee.

Cardiologists say that coffee can (not yet proven) reduce arrhythmias in people who have irregular heartbeats. Coffee is not the answer, by itself, to living a long life. Everyone should exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. Avoid additives and preservatives, as well as foods that have been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. Eat organic, even if they are more expensive, if you want to improve your chances of living to a ripe old age.

Coffee is not a panacea, but research studies have found that it can improve longevity and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

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