Legal Law

Who owns the data?

Unfortunately, many employees believe that by logging into a private email account or using third-party instant messaging software, their communications somehow bypass their employer’s systems and are considered “personal.”

Such is simply not the case. If you use any part of your employer’s equipment to produce a communication, that communication may become part of your employer’s business records.

This means that, for lack of a better word, any “traffic” on a company’s network or equipment (PCs, cell phones, etc.) is part of the employer’s business records and cannot only be reviewed by authorized representatives of the employer, but be detectable in future lawsuits.

Says David Simon, Esq. of We Comply: “Most employees don’t realize that virtually everything they do on their work computers is archived within the company and could end up in tomorrow’s headlines or in the news.” next year’s court records.

Moral of the story: Plain and simple: Don’t use your employer’s electronic resources for personal communications. By keeping your personal business away from your employer’s computer and network, you’ll never have to worry about a newspaper or court case printing your “private” thoughts.

Also, if you’re in business with more than one or two employees, a new year is a good time to review/update your office, computer, and Internet usage policies. Check out LegalTypist’s article: End of Year Technology Assessment [].

Once an employer reaches a certain number of employees, they become subject to further regulatory obligations through local, state and federal government agencies. Policies that already exist should be reviewed and updated annually by a local employment and labor law attorney familiar with your industry.

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