Arts Entertainments

Try to write a funny or novel song

If you’re a songwriter, you can sometimes feel like you’re in a rut, like you’re coming up with the same basic ideas and situations to write about. One way to break out of this endless cycle is to write a song on purpose that is about something light, fun, or just plain weird.

Let’s be honest. Most pop and rock type songs are about one theme: good old fashioned LOVE. That’s right, in music it’s always boy meets girl, boy loves girl, boy loses girl, singing about it all the time. There are songs about being alone and songs about being trapped. There are songs about good relationships, and even more songs about each other. And of course there is the physical side of things.

In the old days (ie the ’50s and early ’60s), most songs were about love, but there were always two or three “hot songs” on the charts and on the radio. The first song I remember learning to sing to was David Seville’s “Witch Doctor,” with its haunting chorus, “Oo ee oo ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang.” Good material. There was also “The Purple People Eater,” written by Barry Cryer, about a creepy alien who… well, you remember. And who can forget the Chipmunks? (Especially since they’re apparently still around.)

Some songs were basically about love, but with a new version of the theme. Does anyone remember Dodie Stevens singing “Pink Shoe Laces” written by Mickie Grant?

She wears tan shoes with pink laces.

A polka dot vest and man oh man

Tan shoes with pink laces

And a big panama with a purple hat band

It’s kind of hard to imagine the guy she’s singing about, but you have to admit, they’re novel lyrics!

Laugh at me

There just don’t seem to be that many funny or novelty songs anymore, unless you’re looking for laughs in all the wrong places. As a songwriter, you can take it as a challenging exercise to write at least one song that has a remarkably light touch. But where did you get an idea for such a song? Do not make me laugh! There are ideas everywhere. The next time your friend makes you laugh out loud, make a mental note of what you were joking and what she said. Chances are you can build a song around it! (I’m serious. This works.)

If someone (maybe you) tells a funny story that has everyone in stitches, guess what? That’s another possible theme for a song. You must have heard the last song ever, “Alice’s Restaurant” by Arlo Guthrie. Your story doesn’t have to be as complicated as that to make a good song. And feel free to misrepresent the facts! It is a song, not a testimony. Use your imagination. Beautify.

People on TV are always saying things that could be song titles or song lines, if you just put your ears up to hear them. I’ve written a lot of songs based on things people said on TV. One of them is “Shut up and dance,” which was something someone said on a boring sitcom I watched one night. You can listen to the song here.

As soon as I heard that phrase, I thought it would be a good call and response chorus, going back and forth between “shut up and dance” and something else. Once I started writing the verses, I wrote it all right away, which is rare for me. I usually have trouble with the third line, especially when there is a tight pattern of rhyme and rhythm. I really started to be this frustrated guy who just wants to dance. I could have written even more verses if I needed them!

Something you might find interesting about this song is that the chord pattern in the bridge is the same as the chorus. I don’t remember if I did it on purpose (probably not), but I don’t remember another song where that’s true.

Anyway, the point is, if I can do it, so can you. Unless you’re in a Norwegian death metal band or something, your music will surely benefit from a touch of humour, a dash of wit. Go for it!

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