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The reason you are not writing and how to change it

For many people, their ideal life is to be a writer. They imagine themselves sitting at home writing and making a lot of money doing it.

The problem is that while this is the ideal, it is rarely the reality. In fact, there is a big difference between wanting to write and wanting to be a writer. There is even a well-known saying about this:

“The difference … between the person who says they ‘want to be a writer’ and the person who says they ‘want to write’ … the former wants to be singled out at cocktails, the latter is prepared for long lonely hours in a desk “. ~ John Mortimer (writer best known for the television series Rumpole of the Bailey and Brideshead revisited).

However, even for those of us who really love to write, it can still be very difficult to sit down and write every day. This is what we call Resistance and even some of the world’s most prolific writers suffer from it.

So why is this?

In my humble, but extremely accurate opinion, it’s because writing is work. It’s work.

When you see someone sitting and typing on their computer or writing in a notebook, it is easy to think that they are not doing much at all.

So it seems like an idyllic life to others. But writing is work, and the most successful writers work hard.

Novelist Agatha Christie wrote 66 novels, Stephen King has so far written 61 novels and 200 short stories (which aren’t that short IMHO), and Issac Asimov wrote over 400 novels, proving that successful writers are writers. prolific.

But even more than that, they want to write. They dream of writing, not of being a home.

If you want to write but don’t want to write huge novels, that’s fine too because there are so many different ways to write.

For example, there are millionaire bloggers who can earn a living by writing short posts.

But what you really need, more than anything else, is the desire to write. The great writers are not necessarily the best, they simply outperform the rest.

They understand that being a writer is a lonely profession. When you’re writing, it requires 100% concentration. You can’t talk, you can’t sing, you can’t watch television. When you write, you must focus and work without distractions.

But if you are willing and prepared, then there is no reason why you cannot be a prolific and financially successful writer.

I used to work full time when I started writing. Then I switched to a part-time job so I could write more. And finally I stopped working as an employee so I could work as a writer.

What I found was that not only could I get all of my income from my writing, but I could write anywhere.

All I need is quiet, uninterrupted time every day, just me, my notebook, a pencil, and my laptop. It’s a portable way to work and a true portable lifestyle.

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