Digital Marketing

Sponsorship Training: How to Get a Sponsor/Financing and 3 HUGE Mistakes to Avoid Now.

Mistake #1: We’ll use your logo!

Is that all you can think of to offer when creating your sponsorship proposal? Mistake #4 is assuming your potential sponsor only wants your logo on their shirts, websites, promotional materials, etc.

How many billboards did you see on the way home? Can you tell me each billboard you saw on the way home, and the order of them? Can you tell me the phone number and website of each one?

Can? NO? Well, you just helped show why I’ve been teaching for years that it’s not just about putting up the sponsor logo or the free jersey.

This is a mistake because instead of just telling a sponsor that we will use their logo and give them prime placement, we should be looking to create experiences for our sponsors and customers.

Instead of just offering the location of the logo, Think of other unique ways you could provide exposure and value to your sponsors. What kind of unique or once-in-a-lifetime opportunity could you offer that would help your sponsors know that you are creating a win-win situation?

Mistake #2: Skipping the fine print

The sponsor said “yes”, you signed the agreement and they gave you a check! We’re done, right? INCORRECT!

If you want to get sponsors, understanding the sponsorship agreement is critical and that’s why mistake #5 is skipping the fine print. Just because they said “yes” doesn’t mean your job is done. Many sponsorship agreements contain fine print detailing when and how you will receive your payments. Often those payments can be tied to specific results. When I first started in sponsorship, I made this mistake and that is why I encourage everyone to read the agreements. We didn’t get paid in an endorsement deal because we missed a simple milestone in the fine print. Don’t let that happen to you.

Instead of skipping the fine print, You should carefully read the sponsorship agreement and ask any clarifying questions before signing. Once you have signed, keep a copy of your sponsorship agreement in a place that is easily accessible to you and any member of your team working on sponsorship activation. I personally create a folder for each sponsor that includes all the important documentation.

Mistake #3: Calling the CEO

One might think that calling the CEO or CMO of a company is the best way to get a “yes.” FAKE! Unless you have an existing personal relationship with the CEO or CMO, calling them is mistake #6.

If you want to get sponsorship from large corporations, they likely have a full-time person or team that handles your budget and sponsorship approvals. These same people receive hundreds, if not thousands, of proposals and sponsorship requests every week. Calling the CEO or another C-level executive may seem like a great idea, but many times you’ll get an immediate “no” or the information he sent to your office ends up at the bottom of a pile when more pressing issues come up. Also, from personal experience, the sponsorship coordinators I’ve dealt with were not particularly fond of feeling like they were being dodged or walked over by a potential sponsor to try and get a yes.

Instead of calling the CEO, find out who to contact. If you don’t know where to start, marketing, human resources, or public relations departments are a great place to start. If you do a lot of networking, find someone else who has been sponsored by a brand you want to work with and ask for an introduction.

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