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Prison Break – Why you would rather watch this TV series and achieve your total freedom

You will be prudent in abiding by all municipal, state, national, international and universal laws. This is because anyone who is in rehab is still escaping from prison breaking any law is never a good move.

What about Prison Break? It’s just a TV show to me, however there are beneficial lessons contained in each episode should any individual prefer to apply them to their own life. Especially you who enjoy your total freedom.

However, be wise in your selection of any learning from Prison Break, a truly popular TV series, since August 29, 2005, as it also contains acts that need to be studied further, even before applying them in your life.

Right now, viewers who have watched an episode, a part, or the entire series that is already spanning two seasons, are presenting their views on various portals and other communication platforms that allow discussions. Although through these discussions there are various types of opinions and differences of viewpoints, the majority have voted an overwhelming thumbs up for Prison Break.

Why? Why are these viewers drawn and then hooked on their loyalty to watch Prison Break continuously, episode after episode and season after season, ever since its pilot aired? Next, why would you rather watch Prison Break full episodes?

Here, let me introduce my point of view so that you can check your interest, and then you may prefer to join the fervent viewers of every Prison Break episode.

For me, one of Prison Break’s target audiences are people who honor and appreciate their total freedom, and also those people who believe, practice and promote, think outside the box.

Related to thinking outside the box, the box can actually be any kind of physical or metaphysical prison that most people find themselves in while on earth. These are pretty obvious once you look at yourself and those around you and witness the following:

* a life is a prison when an individual does not live within the way of life ordained by God,

* a house is a prison when an individual truly aspires to a home,

* a school, college or university is a prison, when an individual pursues only paper qualification and is not a holistic contributing citizen of the world,

* an office is a prison when an individual is prevented from doing what he loves and loves what he is doing,

* a marriage is a prison when an individual does not marry the one he loves and loves the one he marries,

* a friendship, a network, a fraternity, an association or an organization is a prison when an individual loses his power, control, purpose, principle, from the center of his being, by unnecessary and harmful conformity only for the gain of inclusion,

* a conducive environment and its environment is a prison, when an individual clings to an attitude of being immobilized and stuck in a rut, buried in various issues, problems and challenges,

* a decision is a prison if an individual does not plan to fail but he or she fails to plan,

* the world is a prison, when an individual does not value their self-esteem and therefore feels that they do not belong anywhere, or space, here,

* another lock, boundary, cage, camp, cave, confinement, dilemma, wrong zone, jail, limitation, confinement, penitentiary, rush, dilemma and one trap after another,

* and more.

It seems to me that, with the exception of a few, many people are actually in a kind of prison box. For this reason, when in the dark inside the box, they hit a bump, or a wall, then they give or receive advice to think about. Yes, that’s right, think outside the box.

If you are in prison, know why you are in the box in the first place. Also, why do you want to be continuously inside the box, secondly?

Therefore, it is a good possibility that after watching Prison Break, an individual who finds himself in any physical or metaphysical box or prison, would rather be wise to go from free doom to freedom in his precious life.

Prison Break contains vital and valuable information to make a person realize and then ask why think outside the box, when the best possible option is to be outside the box.

Please, remember at one time or another, throughout your life, that you have read somewhere, or heard someone say this phrase; Think out of the box. There was also a point in your life, when someone could have written or said to another; Think out of the box. Around the world, media archives are filled with an accumulation of documents on thinking outside the box. Furthermore, leaders, managers, supervisors, politicians, teachers, motivational speakers and others, with good intentions of course, have advised the masses to think outside the box.

Those who wrote it, read it, said it, heard it, or in some way became a part of it, in promoting it, think outside the box, they are totally right! I emphasize this, they are totally correct, because logically to be able to think outside the box you have to be inside the box? How can it be otherwise!

Some even say, well, it’s true that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I mean, but what if the professor who appears is also in the box? So let me appear, not as a teacher, but as a concerned citizen who is already outside the box, and thus invite you to ask why think outside the box, why not be outside the box?

This is one of the aspirations contained in Prison Break that extends the inspiration to an individual to be out of whatever box or prison most people find themselves in right now. Therefore, whatever shape and size of box any individual finds himself or herself in, he or she will need to be wise in choosing and out of that box. So together we can all enjoy our birthright of total freedom.

The good news is that any individual who is still in any form of the box can now choose and decide to be out of the box. When this individual is out, then he or she will truly and exactly experience total freedom!

So how can an individual get out of the box and be open?

Learn from the next lesson. A natural birth. Please understand that each and every one of us has had this experience before, an initial stage where one is in a mother’s womb and then out into mother nature’s womb. The first breath of life. From this amazing act, God teaches us that we will not remain within him forever, but sooner or later we will truly be outside of him and within this world.

So now, in this moment, let me extend one hand, if necessary, both hands to you, and I say come, we’re going to be outside the box. Real or illusion, now stop being inside the box, or thinking outside the box. Let’s enjoy our right to experience total freedom outside. It’s free.

That is one of the powerful lessons contained in Prison Break. Every one of the cast series’ characters who are in prison is preferring to be free. Each is motivated to savor one last total freedom.

So when is the time that an individual is going to be out of the box? I say, do it now. Here’s a thought, before I wrap up on this writing box, let me ask you this, have you been to a funeral recently? Soon, it’s our turn. Yes, yours and mine too. There will be a box at that time, where you won’t hear coughing inside of it. That box, yes a coffin, surely is the final box, truly a reminder of a life’s journey from box to box, ultimately ending in a box too. Then it will be too late.

Perhaps this is why you prefer to watch Prison Break, to realize that even if you are not apparently in an actual prison, you may realize after this that you are in one of many environments both physical and physical. metaphysical box or prison. Then reflect on your own path, your own prison break, until you succeed and you are out of any box, out of any imprisonment to enjoy your ultimate total freedom in this life.

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December 17, 2022