Health Fitness

Poetry in Motion: The Anatomy and Function of the Shoulder

We use our hands and arms every day without really thinking about how they work, right? Did you ever stop to think about how limited that movement we take for granted would be if something happened to your shoulder? The anatomy and function of the shoulder is a biological miracle in itself, and in this article we’ll show you how it works, as well as what trouble it can get you into.

Shoulder Anatomy and Function

The shoulder is the second most mobile and flexible joint in the human body, the first being the hips. Like the hips, it is considered what is known as a ball-and-socket joint. The ball part comes from the end of the humerus, the bone found at the top of our arms, which fits into a socket called the glenoid fossa, which is located on the scapula, also known as the shoulder blade. This arrangement is much more delicate than that found in the hips, which has the ball of the hip bone completely surrounded by the pelvic bones, providing much more stability than that found in the shoulder.

Ligaments connect the ball and socket construction that forms the shoulder and help provide some stability. Fluids that naturally form within our bodies lubricate it and keep friction to a minimum as it moves. Muscles attached to the shoulder blade, such as the deltoids, and muscles attached to the humerus help move the arms and control their range of motion.

Another important part of the shoulder construction that keeps everything moving like it should is the rotator cuff. This is a group of four muscles that control the rotation and positioning of the arms. Each of them has a tendon at the end that attaches to the humerus by growing directly into it. If this cuff of muscles tears or becomes dislodged in any way, it can severely limit the movement of the arm until it is repaired surgically.

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In some people, the stability of the shoulder itself is not as strong as in others. If the shoulder ever pops out of its socket, it is considered unstable, and the instability of the shoulder can lead to other problems later on, such as a dislocation. Some people simply have looser joints than others, causing them to be classified as double-jointed, but over time, recurrent dislocations can cause ligaments or muscles to tear, due to loss of flexibility, and it is the joint itself may not fit. return to its place as easily as it once could be. Arthritis is also a major concern as it can cause the joint to become inflamed and cause extreme pain.

A torn or detached rotator cuff can also be a major concern when it comes to shoulder anatomy and function. This is a condition that cannot be cured on its own, even with physical therapy. A simple tear, depending on where it is located, may not affect motor function but will still need to be repaired surgically. If the rotator cuff becomes detached due to injury or normal wear and tear over time, it will need to be repaired through arthroscopic surgery, which reattaches that cuff of muscles and restores most function to the shoulder and arms. Without it, the range of motion, strength, twist, and position of the arms will be extremely limited, and the affected arm will be permanently weakened without the cuff resetting.

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