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Maximizing your singleness

In our current society there are a large number of singles, either separated or never married. Their number continues to increase as the years go by. Nearly 30% of the American population is single, whether single, divorced, or widowed. Many singles view their plight as a thorn in the flesh rather than a blessing. A fair number of singles struggle a lot, some signing up for romance and dating websites, thinking that they will somehow be able to find a partner. They will invest heavily in finding the right Mr. or Miss. It is amazing, it is amazing to say that this search is so even among Christian believers. Many compromise God’s standard and marry any man or woman who comes their way due to the intensity of the struggle. Some who feel that age is no longer on their side, may pay any price just to be out of the single pup. .

Friends, the first responsibility of maximizing your singleness is to define reality. the last one is to say thank you. Between the two, the single person must be ready to face the ups and downs of life, before becoming the master of the best. That summary is insightful, and I have found it to be true in maximizing my singleness. I find the topic of maximizing singleness to be one of the most difficult concepts for singles to grasp. Let’s make it more personal I find it harder to achieve! For help with this, I have turned to the Bible for perspective and assistance. At the beginning, I must define the limits and parameters of what I want in life and how to achieve it. This includes the type of woman I want, the family I want, business and others. In closing, I must say “thank you.” Whatever the reason, being single means a lot and there are issues to consider and we can consider them one after the other:


1. You need to maximize your singles waiting room by knowing who you are and what you do best.

2. Increased opportunity as a result of “knowledge worker” advertising requires you to control yourself and your decisions about what to do and what not to do.

3. You need to be able to answer 3 questions: What am I my strength? How do I perform? What are my worth? If you can answer all three questions, then you are capable of taking on challenges and responsibilities.

4. You have to decide the kind of person you want me to be by telling you the truth about who you are.

5. When you understand that you can’t manage people, you are almost forced to understand what motivates your partner or team member with whom you associate.

6. Don’t waste time putting what’s left out, rather try to get what’s left out.

7. You must take the time and dedicate some resources to discover your talent, skills and also and also use the life experiences of others for you to succeed in life.

8. If you don’t develop competence in you and learn to handle things, then you will learn to handle things, then you will spend a lot of time and energy striving to succeed in life.

Do not join the group of men who live in a fantasy world. Understand that nothing good comes easy, but with prayers and persistence you will win everything!

10. The moment you stop developing, whether mentally, spiritually, emotionally or physically, you will notice that you will begin to decline. Either you get better or you get worse.


A really great way to know what you want is to tell other people what you want. We have to have enough self-confidence and self-love to really walk away from the things we don’t want and be bold and brave enough to ask for what we want without any reservations. How honest are you with your spouse? Have you been able to tell him what you want especially in that marriage or courtship? Have you been chosen to die in silence and continually blame your friends or parents? How difficult is it for you to say what you feel and what is right in your relationship? He probably wants to die early because he doesn’t want to help himself by being honest to say what he wants. Friends, we have discovered that one of the ingredients for a successful marriage is when we start being honest with our partner and with ourselves about what we want, practicing authenticity and truth in relationships. helps break the barrier of fear in marriages and builds trust in the relationship.


The moment you said yes to the gentleman, ma’am, you signed a contract with his life that is his character, not just his car, reputation, wealth, and influence. Boy, the moment he accepted you or the moment you said yes to the physique in her, imagine you said yes to the talker in her, you just signed a contract with terror. Let’s start by knowing what couples with intentions, dating singles sometimes need is not a BREAKUP BUT A BREAKUP. We must not undermine the power of reinforcement. Sometimes the best way to reinforce is to separate. This generation really needs to come to know and accept that before going any further to talk about the breakup, there are a few things that need to be stated clearly:

1. It is very good to have virtues to have values ​​but over time I have realized that the most dangerous thing is to judge the action of your partner using your values ​​as a measuring stick.

2. It is important to keep in mind that what matters most to you may not be the same with your partner, so you need to create space for your partner. 3. Your orientation matters as much as your partner’s

4. What are your expectations? You should know that good expectations do not happen easily. You should also know that there are challenges before all good expectations. For example, the moment you decide not to eat chocolates is the moment you receive the most offers for chocolate.

The moment you make up your mind to become attached to a partner, or rather to be faithful to a partner, is when you suddenly develop numerous admirers. This is because it is a fight that you should not turn your back on.


Ignorance seems to be the main reason why people fail or malfunction. HOSEA 4:6 ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’ (paraphrase). When people are not willing to learn, find out what reality really is, and be a solution themselves, there are bound to be problems. By the time you begin to see yourself as a solution, you will have moved a long way out of ignorance. When you put what you know to work, you’ll be amazed at the effect of your contribution to the relationship and even to society at large.

Some of the most popular and common reasons or excuses that people give for a breakup are listed below:

1. “I saw a nasty text on his phone and it left me feeling inadequate. He stole my value and value so I had to resort to breaking up.”

2. “I put a lady in her house.”

3. “He lied to me.

Wow, you start saying things like ‘after all the love I showed you, you still had the guts to lie to me, I won’t take this’. Let’s break up’. Darling, when a boy lies to me, he makes me cry. I don’t cry because he betrayed me or did not act well, I cry because if he had given him that reason for comfort, he would not have lied to me. By comfort I mean that if he had made my life a home where he felt safe and unashamed of making mistakes, he would not have lied, but instead he would have learned to be frank and sincerely independent of the ‘act’. If he’s comfortable with me, he can go as far as telling me about the lady he met at the bus stop and exchanging numbers without caring about the fact that he described her as more beautiful than me. That is a relationship. The essence of a relationship is to get the best out of both because of your commitment, I mean working hard to make the relationship work.

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