
How to socialize your mastiff puppy

“All dogs should be socialized as puppies, before 16 weeks of age. This is the most important time in a dog’s life. This is the time that will mold them and determine what kind of friendly dog ​​they will become. “.

“This is the time when your pup needs to meet people, other dogs and animals. This is the most important part of a puppy’s life and will determine how he will behave when he grows up and what kind of personality he will have. have.”

“This is the most important time to get close and bond with your pup, and introduce him to things in your life. You can introduce your pup to car rides, meeting new people, or taking a walk in the park.”

“Your pup will also get to know new environments and things on their own, like plants, wild animals, birds, cats, things they might find on their own, without you, so they need to be prepared for life.”

“You want your new pup to adjust well to his new world. You don’t want to leave him in a kennel all day, which wouldn’t be good for him or you.”

“Every puppy needs to be socialized so that they have a good understanding of their environment and all the things going on around them, no matter where you got your puppy from, all puppies need to be socialized.”

“The time to socialize your puppy is until 16 weeks. You don’t want him to start having problems like separation anxiety, excessive barking, chewing on your favorite items, urinating and pooping in the wrong places.”

“If you plan on taking your puppy or dog to obedience training classes, you’ll enjoy it a lot more if your pup is already familiar with things. You must take the time to socialize him, so that he can have an excellent opportunity. to be the best dog you want me to be!”

“You want to socialize your puppy, because when he’s older, you want him to get along with humans, other animals and society in general. You don’t want a puppy that hides or is afraid of anything.” around it”.

“You don’t want a puppy or a dog that barks at everything that moves, or anything like that. Every person the dog comes into contact with will be a sign that the puppy was not properly socialized at an early age.” early… Give your pup the love and respect he deserves, and have fun with him too while doing this socialization, your dog will love you for it later!”

“A major reason why some dogs in the United States have to be euthanized each year is simply because of the simple fact that the dog was not socialized as a puppy. And because of that sad fact, the puppy or dog simply they did. They don’t have the skills to act appropriately in family, public, or difficult situations.”

“It’s a negative fact that if most dogs had been properly socialized as puppies, they would have been much more friendly and well-behaved dogs as adults. It’s not that difficult to socialize your new puppy, and it can be fun and rewarding.” !”

“You really don’t want your dogs growing up, where you leave them in the backyard, and they don’t know how to interact with the family, and they’re a nuisance to the neighborhood in general. One that destroys or digs holes all over your backyard, you have an option when you have a puppy. You can turn him into a responsible, friendly, well-behaved, good-natured dog.”

“It’s nice to have a dog you can trust, and everyone should be able to trust their dog. You want your dog to be able to make rational decisions when he’s with you. He needs to be able to be around a lot of people, without jumping on all of them, and bark non-stop.”

“From the day your new puppy is born, the mother has already started the process for you. When she has the litter, she will make sure to lick each one, to stimulate them, so that they can urinate and defecate, and the mother take care of this, it is natural for them to do that.”

“As the puppies grow, the mother will use smells, sounds and body language to teach them natural skills. This is also the time when the mother can discipline her puppies – don’t be alarmed, this is natural too.”

“Puppies learn about each other while they are in the litter together. They play, they fight and they generally learn to live together, get along and get to know each other.”

“When your puppy is about 7-8 weeks old, this is the crucial time to play with him, with human hands, human touch and smells. This is also a good time for the breeder or owner to start to housetrain puppies.”

“You don’t want your puppy or dog to be afraid of humans when they grow up. It’s extremely important to spend quality time with your puppy, just playing, cuddling and loving them. You want them to get used to you and other household members as well.” .

“Most new puppies arrive at their new home around 8 weeks of age or older. When your new puppy arrives, you should immediately start socializing him with everything around him. You should also remember not to give him anything that will scare him too much. , or harm them. You don’t want to immediately introduce them to an aggressive dog that’s too aggressive for them, or one that could scar them for life. Just use common sense when dealing with your new pup.”

“If you have a big giant hole in your backyard, you don’t want to let go of your new pup and find the hole by accident. You’ll want to introduce your pup to their new surroundings with a tour, so he or she would feel safe, but still interested and alert.

“It’s good to introduce your new Mastiff puppy to a chew toy at this time. This will be used for training purposes. You should pick your puppy up and give him the love all puppies crave. Rub his belly, scratch his head, talk softly to him.” , and your new pup will love it so much, and so will you!”

“Now that your new puppy is home, it’s important to start teaching them some basic commands right away. They need to learn commands like sit, stay, lie down, etc…”

“This is the time when you want to introduce your pup to many new experiences such as loud radios, children playing and screaming, appliances that make noise such as vacuum cleaners, televisions, dishwashers, lawn mowers, etc…”

“It’s good to let your new puppy discover for himself, while you supervise him well. Let him walk around and discover the plants in your garden, the toys in your children’s room and the tools in the garage. Don’t let them get hurt, but let them explore, so they won’t be afraid of their surroundings.”

“If your dog is going to live in a high-rise building, on a boat or yacht, get him used to elevators or getting on and off the boat safely. Take your pup for walks and let him meet other dogs on leashes! people stop and pet your dog, you don’t want your dog to grow up afraid of people and then bite them out of fear!

“It’s good to introduce your new puppy to as many people as you can between 8 and 12 weeks of age. This is the time when it’s most important to socialize your new Mastiff puppy with people. Encourage them to be nice to their puppy. , to touch, play, pet and give treats, in a non-threatening way”.

“It’s not recommended to take your new pup to dog parks off-leash as some parks have a lot of dogs. Some of the dogs will not have been vaccinated and it’s still their choice, but they probably wouldn’t send their kids to school.” , with other children who haven’t been vaccinated, if you only knew.”

“Don’t assume that all dogs in the off-leash dog park have been properly socialized and are all vaccinated, so be careful at dog parks.”

“If you want to teach your puppy or dog to ride in the car with you, take him on short trips at first. If you put a new puppy or dog in a car and take him on a road trip across the country, the puppy or or the dog will never want to get in the car again!”

“Take short trips and have the first couple go to fun places! If your dog’s only trip is to the vet or some other unpleasant place, he’ll associate that trip with things, so make him happy for him!”

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