Digital Marketing

How To Increase Twitter Followers: 4 Simple Steps To Get More Twitter Followers

Many online marketers simply don’t realize the importance of getting more Twitter followers. Twitter is an extremely powerful social networking service that allows you to stay in touch with your readers, brand your or your business, drive traffic to your blog/website, and communicate with the biggest players in your industry. Twitter has more than 75,000,000 registered users and is growing every day. To get more followers on Twitter, here are some steps to follow…

1. Find Twitter users in your niche:

The first thing you want to do is find people to follow. To do that, you need to go to Twitter’s search function at: Once there, what you need to do is write the specific keywords related to your niche. Then when you get results, all you have to do is click on the users Twitter ID and follow them. Some people have “autofollow” turned on, so they will follow you automatically, and some don’t.

Example: Let’s say you are in the Golf niche market and you want to find a Twitter used in that market; just type in a specific keyword within that niche like “Callaway” (a golf brand) and then you’ll see the results. Now all you need to do is just click on their usernames and follow them after being redirected to their Twitter profile page.

One of the main Twitter directories is, where you can search for Twitter followers by location or hash tags (more on hash tags in a bit). All you need to do is search for tags that are related to your market and search for people, then follow them on Twitter.

Another directory similar to is, where you can search the entire directory based on different categories. You just need to type the name of the category your marketplace is in and apply the same as in the other directories above.

Another great Twitter directory is allows you to search for users in your city or any other specific area. This tool is great if you have an offline business and are looking for leads in a specific city or state, etc.

2. Use hash tags:

I’m sure a lot of people have at least heard of hash tags; however, many do not really know what they are, what they are for, or how to use them correctly.

Hash tags are very useful when it comes to finding people in your niche to follow on Twitter.

Hash tags are simple words that are preceded by the pound sign (#) and are posted in tweets. Once a word is preceded by the ampersand (#), it automatically becomes a hash tag. Once you see a hash tag in a tweet, it’s a clickable link that will redirect you to all mentions of that word on Twitter.

Now, don’t worry if you’re confused and wondering what I’m talking about. Alright. I was as confused as you can be now when I first saw and heard about them.

Let me give you an example to give you an idea. Let’s say you want to tweet something related to your niche. For example, if you are in the market for golf, you would write your tweet and then add “#Golf” or “#Callaway”. The word is then converted to a hash tag and is instantly a clickable link that will take you to a page where you will find different tweets from different people in the same niche or who have posted a tweet related to those hash tags. specific. Make sense?

Hash tags not only allow you to expose your tweets, but also help you find people in the same market that you can connect and engage with.

3. Use Twitter lists:

Twitter Lists is a new Twitter feature that helps you organize and segment the messages you receive from your followers. It allows you to segregate specific messages according to specific followers.

For example: If you are in the internet marketing niche, you have a different following in different subcategories in the IM market. Some would be specialized in social media, web 2.0, traffic generation, etc. Creating lists for each of those subcategories helps you organize your message flow.

When you have a large following, it can sometimes be overwhelming to control the flow of messages or tweets you receive. Thus, creating lists makes it easy for you to see updates from different subcategories of followers.

4. What to tweet and how to attract your followers to your blog or website:

Now you have been building your list of Twitter followers little by little. You understand what hash tags are and have categorized your followers into lists. The question now is: “What should I post?”

There are thousands of things you can tweet;

– Share articles you’ve published on article directory sites.

– Retweet a good post if you find one

– Share a quote for the day.

– Share a video

– Ask a question – very powerful method – you will be surprised how many people will answer

– Congratulate other Twitter users on their blog posts, etc.

– Invite your followers to a webinar or teleseminar

– Ask your followers to retweet your tweets to their followers by adding “PLZ RT!” to your posts

It doesn’t always have to be content created by YOU. You can share whatever you want on Twitter as long as it is quality content. You can even share a funny video! After all, we all want to take a break from work and have fun from time to time.

I hope this article has been useful to you and that you have an idea on how to get more followers on Twitter.

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