Health Fitness

How to eliminate gynecomastia naturally with flaxseed

“But flaxseed contains estrogen and if you want to eliminate man boobs, estrogen is the enemy!” I am sure you have heard that flaxseed is one of the best ways to get rid of gynecomastia naturally, but you may be conflicted about its use because flaxseed contains estrogen, although it is a plant source, but it is still estrogen. So how can this be a way to treat gynecomastia naturally? We will delve into this later.

Flaxseed Health Benefits

Before cotton was affordable, linen (Linum usitatissimum) which is also known as linseed or linum, having a fibrous stalk that was often woven into cloth and is still used in this way even today despite the popularity of cotton clothing. But the oil that was produced from the seeds has been used medicinally for many thousands of years. It was not until about a thousand years ago that people began to eat the seeds of this plant for health and well-being. Flaxseed should be part of a healthy lifestyle for many reasons including but not limited to;

  • Cancer prevention (particularly breast cancer and prostate cancer)
  • diabetes management
  • Reduce cholesterol levels naturally
  • Reduce the risk of heart attack
  • Reduce the risk of kidney disease
  • Reduce hot flashes in menopausal women
  • Helping in weight control
  • Etc

As you can see, flaxseed is an important nutrient, but since you are reading this article, you have also heard that flaxseed is one of the best ways to get rid of gynecomastia naturally.

Flaxseed and gynecomastia

1. Lignans

The benefits of flaxseed for health and well-being are linked in the first place to the lignans that contain. Flaxseed is the richest source of lignans found in nature. Lignans are antioxidants, which means they help prevent free radical damage to healthy cells, which helps reduce the risk of developing many of the chronic diseases mentioned above.

Another aspect of lignans is that, in addition to the antioxidant benefits, they also contain (plant) phytoestrogens, which mimic the action of estrogen produced by the body but are less potent. Man boobs usually develop because you have excessive amounts of estrogen in your body. It is normal to have estrogen, which is the female hormone, in the male body, but what is abnormal is when estrogen levels are higher than normal levels.

This leads to the development of various feminine characteristics, such as breasts in men. So if you are dealing with gynecomastia, you most likely have excessive amounts of estrogen in your body. One way to combat this estrogen produced by the body is to combat it with the estrogen produced by certain plants such as flax. It sounds crazy, but it makes sense once you think about it.

The estrogen produced by the body are powerful hormones, while the estrogen produced by plants (phytoestrogen) is chemically weaker but can still bind to the estrogen receptors in the body and this helps stop the effects of estrogen in the body a lot. strongest produced. by the body, which also allows excessive amounts of this much stronger estrogen to be removed from the body as phytoestrogen replaces them. This is the reason why flaxseed is commonly recommended as an effective method to get rid of gynecomatia naturally.

You have excessive amounts of estrogen in your body right now. But with the help of flaxseed, instead of having the chemically strong estrogen that is produced by the body wreaking havoc on your body, it replaces the strong estrogen with the much weaker estrogen which can certainly help in your fight against gynecomastia.


How are excessive amounts of estrogen removed from the body? Fiber is the most important way to remove waste, toxins, and excess estrogen from the body. Do you know what an amazing source of fiber is? flax seed This is also one of the reasons why it is recommended for diabetes and weight loss management.

Flaxseed is a very rich source of a type of soluble fiber that is very beneficial for the body and is known as mucilage. This mucilage is also linked to the cholesterol-lowering properties of flaxseed. Mucilage helps move things around in the body, but it requires a lot of water, so if you increase your fiber intake, you should also increase your water intake to prevent fiber from “sticking” to your body.

3. Fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be very beneficial for men with gynecomastia because they help in the production of testosterone. Many men with gynecomastia, in addition to having excessive amounts of estrogen, also have low testosterone levels, so these fatty acids can help. Also, these essential fatty acids (EFAs) help reduce estrogen levels, which is one of the main reasons for the development of man boobs, as mentioned above.

Guess what? The lignans contained in flaxseed are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that not only help fight gynecomastia but also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic diseases.

Use of flaxseed for gynecomastia

1. Flax seed oil

While flaxseed oil (which is easily perishable and must be refrigerated once opened) is very popular, you may want to go directly to the source (the seeds) because when you use flaxseed oil, you miss out on the most important fiber and content. The oil does not contain as many lignans, proteins, and minerals as you would find in the actual seeds.

2. Not whole seeds

Flaxseed is available in two varieties, which are brown flaxseed and golden flaxseed (also known as yellow flaxseed), but these two varieties generally contain similar nutritional compositions.

While many people tend to sprinkle whole flaxseeds on freshly baked bread or salads, it’s impossible for the body to break down whole seeds. If you eat whole flaxseeds, the seeds will pass through your body undigested, which means you will lose the nutrient content of the seeds.

To get the full benefits of eating flaxseeds, the seeds need to be ground, but remember that ground (or ground) flaxseeds go rancid very quickly, so be sure to refrigerate any unused portion and discard if still uneaten after 30 days or so. .

Because it goes rancid so quickly, you may want to invest in a coffee grinder, spice grinder, or other seed grinding tool so that you only grind the number of seeds you need for that particular day because whole seeds last much more than ground flaxseed.

Ground flaxseed (flaxseed meal) will not last more than 30 days if stored in the refrigerator, while whole flaxseed can last 6-12 months or 1-2 years if stored in the refrigerator.

Grind about two tablespoons of whole seeds daily and add them to hot or cold cereals, smoothies, oatmeal, salads, green juices, etc.

security concerns

Flaxseed is generally safe, so it is highly recommended for a healthy lifestyle, but keep in mind that it does contain a small amount of cyanide. This small amount of cyanide is not enough to harm an adult, but it could possibly harm a fetus or infant, so avoid eating flaxseed if you are pregnant or nursing, and also avoid giving it to children under two years of age.

The trace amount of cyanide in flaxseed is not harmful to most people, as long as you consume the recommended daily allowance of about two to three tablespoons of ground flaxseed. If this scares you with flaxseed, you should be aware that human tissue generally contains very small amounts of cyanide that is constantly metabolized, so cyanide-containing flaxseeds shouldn’t be a concern unless you eat the whole thing. bag of flaxseed at once. session! Also several other commonly eaten plants, such as cruciferous vegetables, also contain trace amounts of this poison.

Also remember that a tablespoon of flaxseed contains between 5 to 6 milligrams of cyanide, but for cyanide to be harmful to an adult, you need to consume at least 1,000 milligrams of this poison.

Like everything in life, flaxseed can cause an allergic reaction in some people. If this occurs, reduce the amount eaten or stop eating flaxseed altogether.

Lastly, in some people, flaxseeds can cause bloating and flatulence when they first start eating flaxseeds. If this occurs, start with ½ to 1 tablespoon and gradually increase as the body develops its tolerance.

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July 18, 2023