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Hatha Yoga Teaching – Ajna Chakra Balance and Intuition

If one is able to balance the Ajna chakra, this will promote intuition, awareness, and self-mastery. The Ajna (third eye) chakra is the sixth main chakra within the seven chakra system. One way to activate this chakra is to practice Udgeeth pranayama.

The seed sound, which we know as “OM”, is said to awaken and balance the divine eye. This chakra balancing technique can be approached in a similar way, through mantra meditation or by practicing a form of Ajna chakra meditation. In fact, there are many ways to balance and awaken the chakras. If one is new to the practice of Yoga, it would be wise to practice under the supervision of a competent Yoga teacher or Guru.

Let’s be honest: If you survey students in your classes about their home yoga practice, very few will say they meditate at home. Many students practice asana independently, but don’t normally think beyond their bodies, unless they have been practicing Hatha Yoga for years.

Below are two techniques for students who wish to improve their powers of intuition. These intuitive enhancement techniques can be practiced at any time of day; and a student does not have to worry about meditation, mudras, pranayama, posture or the sounds of the seeds.

Associate with people who see the good in everything. There are many people who by default have negative thoughts. One of the reasons people feel so pessimistic is that bad news travels faster than ever. Now you can read, listen or watch a video about a traffic fatality, on the other side of the earth, at any time of the day or night.

If you’re feeling too optimistic, a sure remedy is to watch the news. Your mood could easily change to regret, sadness, anger, or depression in an instant. Negative thoughts and positive thoughts balance each other throughout the day. The goal is to be aware of the energy balance of your mind and to train your mind to avoid judgment. This clears the mind to see life as it is and enhances the powers of intuition.

Speak positively or don’t speak at all. I’m not sure who first said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.” This is the most difficult task to bear for most of us. Jumping into negative talk is very easy to do. Taking the right path, in conversation, is a daily struggle; and many of us can find it an hourly struggle.

The reason the above two tips will improve intuition is because of the clarity of thought that will result from practicing them. After trying the techniques mentioned above, students will often admit that Ajna chakra meditation is much easier, but the value of clear thinking cannot be overstated.

Companies, investors, and governments employ people who have good intuitive skills. In this age of complex technology, computers, data and reports, intuition is still valued by world powers. For the average person, intuition can determine a specific path among many.

© Copyright 2010 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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