
Google Codename – Caffeine

Ok, so it’s not exactly the Manhattan Project, but Google’s new search tool is certainly poised to improve the way we find information on the web. Google is speeding up and cleaning up its search process. The aptly named new Caffeine is supposed to return search results twice as fast as its previous version. Google is also taking steps to clean up pornographic material, as well as giving AdSense publishers the option not to run alcohol and drugstore ads. Changes to the Google formula will also change how the new Caffeine will rank pages. Caffeine will offer a more accurate Page Rank (PR), which will mean rethinking SEO for many companies.

The Google search engine is based on a series of complex algorithms. With the Caffeine platform, these algorithms are changing in hopes of fixing a number of issues that Google found when evaluating its current search engine. Google recently introduced “real time” updates included in your searches. This allows you to see things like breaking news and Twitter updates as they happen. Google Caffeine is geared towards giving users the information they want faster, so it will remove a lot of the clutter in cyberspace. Many of the deceptive tactics previously used to get pages to rank higher in search results will be obsolete. Instead, Caffeine will rank higher for pages that contain more informative keywords and more accurate descriptions.

Google’s revamp of its search engine couldn’t come at a better time. With Microsoft launching Bing and its recent $47.2 billion acquisition of Yahoo, the move is strategic. Even with Microsoft taking control of the No. 2 search engine, it still has a long way to go to achieve Google brand dominance. In Beta testing, Caffeine still beat or tied Bing in virtually every category. We’re not exactly sure when Google will fully implement its new search, but keep an eye out for information with an additional “shake” in the very near future.

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