Health Fitness

Do I need a tummy tuck and how will it benefit me?

Many people have rounder and looser bellies than they would like to have. This may be the result of a pregnancy that separates and weakens the abdominal muscles, or it could be the byproduct of massive weight loss. In some cases, it may simply be attributable to age or genetics.

If you fall into any of these categories, you may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck, also known as a tummy tuck. Here are several ways to tell if you need a tummy tuck or not.

You may need a tummy tuck if:

In general, he is in good health and fitness, with some stubborn pockets of fat hanging around his waist, despite a consistent practice of regular exercise and a balanced diet. A tummy tuck may be the only way to get rid of that damn fat! Just understand that without maintaining a healthy lifestyle after tummy tuck surgery, fat deposits may come back and haunt your daily life again.

Your belly sticks out and does not fit proportionally with your figure. A tummy tuck is a great way to tighten sagging abdominal muscles and create a leaner, more balanced physique. This is done when the plastic surgeon makes an incision along the pubic bone down to the hip bones, gently loosens the stomach skin from the underlying tissues, and stitches the abdominals more tightly.

Liposuction can also be performed on the region at the same time that it is needed or desired. The skin is then pulled down forcefully, the excess is cut away, and the remaining skin is sewn back into the original incision.

She has had several pregnancies. It’s easier to get her body back (for most women) after the first baby than it is after subsequent pregnancies. The abdominal muscles become continually loose and weak. A tummy tuck can reverse the effects of those pregnancies on your belly, once again recreating a flatter, firmer stomach region.

You have a lot of loose, saggy skin in your abdominal area. Today this is commonly the result of losing a large amount of weight, approximately 100 pounds or more. While the fat and tissues under the skin contract and shrink, the skin itself has often lost some of its natural elasticity after years of being stretched to its maximum capacity.

Think of a rubber band that has been stretched for months. Once you unroll it from its position, it will not shrink back to its original circumference. The same goes for your skin. A tummy tuck can help you complete the look you have coveted during your weight loss period by removing all of the unsightly, hanging, excess skin.

You have realistic expectations about the results. While tummy tuck surgery can create a much more aesthetically pleasing look, it’s not an exact science and won’t produce the retouched supermodel abs you see in magazines. It is important to have a healthy projection of what your surgical procedure can do for you.

There may be other good reasons why you might be an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck, but a consultation with a local tummy tuck plastic surgeon can help you determine whether or not you qualify for a tummy tuck procedure.

Who is an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty?

If you are in good general health but have large deposits of fat and loose skin despite exercise, if you have had multiple pregnancies that have left stretch marks on your abdomen, if you have lost an enormous amount of weight recently, then you are a candidate. ideal for abdominoplasty

Who is not an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty?

If you plan to have children or lose more weight, then you are not an ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery.

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