
Crazy and strange goal True Youth Soccer Stories

More “war” stories from youth soccer coaches

When we go out to do private clinics, we get to hear some of the most amazing stories from you youth soccer coaches. Some of what you have to endure might have made even Job of the Old Testament cringe. I will never forget the story I heard last year from a youth soccer coach who was using my system for the first time. The head of his organization was against it from the beginning, the head honcho wanted this team to stick with their “tried and true” Power I. Now mind you, I have nothing against the Power I, we ran it in previous years. BUT the Power Wasn’t working with this group of kids and teams in this organization were losing constantly, losing big, and most importantly losing players.

from worst to almost first

Well, our friend decided to try our system almost in desperation after another losing season. His team posted a 9-1 record, a vast improvement from the 2-win season the year before. His team quadrupled their offensive production and had 9 different kids scoring touchdowns. You would have thought that the head of the organization would have given this coach a golden wristwatch and the keys to the city, right? No, he told our friend, “You’ll never beat Team X with that offense.” So our hero team wins 9 games, makes it to the Super Bowl and loses the championship game, has fun, gets all the kids involved and keeps everyone and all the big cheese can say is “You’ll never beat Team X with that offense” ?????

Last Place Coach Advice Super Bowl Coach

Mind you, not only did the critic’s team not win a game that season, they only scored 4 touchdowns in THE ENTIRE SEASON. I’m not kidding, I’m not exaggerating one iota. The gaulle of someone with that skinny production class criticizing a coach who had done a 180-degree turn? As unbelievable and ridiculous as it sounds, it is so true and unfortunately more common than you think. Just be prepared to bite your tongue and be diplomatic, there are many parents and even coaches with no track record of success who think they know more than you do or are so jealous of your success that they will try to dismiss it at all times. . All you can do is smile, bite your tongue, and hope that one day they’ll read a copy of “Atlas Shrugged.”

Guaranteed ‘award for silliness in youth football training’

Another story that comes to mind involves another organizational head. I hope I have my facts correct on this one, if not, it’s pretty close. Like many organizations, this one features 2 teams in each age group. While the teams are supposed to be the same, they are not, all returning players are funneled towards the “anointed” team, all leftovers and rookies go to our friend’s team. Our poor fellow knows that the only way his team is going to survive with their “land of misfit toys” lineup is to do something different from the other teams in the league. He finds the website, buys the material, drinks the soda, and becomes a believer. As you probably guessed, this team starts off slow, but by the end of the season they are the most improved youth soccer team in the league (almost all rookie players) and finish 6-2-1 if I remember correctly, even giving the “anointed.” “The team has a very amazing run for their money.

The following season is the same story, all the best players are chosen for the anointed team, all the rookies and less athletic kids are “dropped out” on this team. On top of this, the head of the organization is so worried about the “leftover” team defeating his anointed team that he cut 4 additional players from the leftover team just 1 week before their first game. You imagine? Well our friend ended up having a great season, they beat the anointed team and lost only to the eventual league champion, with a makeshift lineup. The coach told me that many other coaches in the league would show up to watch his game, not to watch, but to see all the misdirection and ball-movement accuracy of his offense with very average kids. He ended up receiving a lot of praise from several of his training partners last year after these games. Hats off to the coach for staying calm and keeping his focus on the kids. and his final objective and not the organizational head or what he did not have for the players.

Coaching youth soccer in a world turned upside down

Guys, youth soccer isn’t perfect. But know that if your situation isn’t perfect or if those afflicted by the green-eyed monster of jealousy are nipping at your heels, you’re not alone. Be prepared for it and expect it, even if you are doing everything right. Keep the end goal in mind and train your children to reach their full potential. Unfortunately, that jealousy flaw is part of human nature. Try not to take it personally.

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