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Compression bandages and their use

A bandage is a material that supports the body and allows it to heal itself. A compression bandage is a little different from a regular bandage in that it is used to apply pressure to the area that is healing. The pressure thus applied performs a number of functions. Prevents swelling and edema. It increases blood circulation and allows the patient to better manage their condition.

Compression bandages are of two types.

Short Stretch Compression Bandages: These bandages are commonly used on the extremities, such as the fingers and leg areas. They are generally used to treat venous ulcers, lymphedema, leg ulcers and even small wounds. Short stretch compression bandages have a property that allows them to shorten around the area, thus applying constant pressure. Since the bandage does not exert increased pressure during periods of inactivity (which can lead to fluid accumulation in the area of ​​application), these bandages are suitable for long-term healing. Additionally, these compression bandages are designed to withstand the pressure that is applied when an internal muscle contracts or moves. Therefore, these prohibition adages can be used even when the patient is asleep, although this is not always recommended.

Long Stretch Compression Bandages: As the name suggests, these bandages can be applied to large areas, such as a portion of the extremity. These bandages apply pressure to the area but have a high pressure at rest. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to remove these bandages when the body is at rest. Long stretch compression bandages are so named because they can be stretched to almost three times their size. These bandages are an important part of the healing process in many conditions, such as complex physical therapy, venous leg ulceration, and lymphedema. Patients who need to wear long stretch compression bandages while recovering from a condition should be careful that compression bandages are removed at night because these bandages become too tight to allow comfortable sleep.

It may look like a simple piece of material, but it takes a lot of design to make. Some of the most important characteristics of compression bandages are elastic properties, pressure, components and layers. Compression bandages are medically prescribed for long-term treatment because they help preserve skin elasticity, maintain improvements gained from therapies such as massage therapy, reshape and maintain the shape of the limb, and accommodate differences in size. between the different areas. . For example, the bandage will wrap around a lump in the same way that it will accommodate a constricted area.

Doctors generally recommend compression because it helps reverse fluid buildup. They also increase blood flow through the venous system and increase fibrinolytic activity. Therefore, compression is an important treatment for various conditions.

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