
A Beginner’s Guide to Telesales

You have to train regularly and apply yourself to be good at anything. To work out in the gym, you need to eat the right food, get a sensible and achievable training program and, most importantly, hit the gym several times a week and exercise. Some people will put pictures of the type of physique they want to acquire on the refrigerator door and find themselves a workout partner to give them the kick they need when television seems more tempting than the gym on a workout night.

The same goes for sales training. To become good at selling over the phone you have to get a training program. So apply yourself the same way you would if you wanted to be successful in the gym.


Straighten your head. You need to be motivated and driven to work on your sales skills. So build some achievable goals. Think about what you really want from life and your work and set yourself some short, medium and long term goals. You are not working on that sales floor for the environment, so find a goal and do it. I wanted a sports car when I started in sales because that’s what the best men on my sales floor were pushing. I knew exactly what kind of car, what color, age and year it would be and I found one at a car dealership near the office where I worked. I went there and sat in a used Porsche 911 almost every week. I can still remember the smell of leather and the racing of my heart as I got behind the wheel and pretended I owned it.

It doesn’t matter what you set as your goal, as long as you think it’s achievable. I got the car by the way; it took me almost two years.

in second place

Surround yourself with the right crowd. Meet the high achievers on your sales floor, talk to them, and learn from them. Don’t get too involved in the hard play team, work hard as it only makes your path to success more difficult. I say this because I have. I’ve earned high wages and spent a lot on fast cars and high life and it seemed like fun at the time, but in that state you make bad decisions and it rips you apart and sets you back.

If you are alone at work, or feel like you could outperform everyone there, immerse yourself in sales training information and books. You don’t have to go out and spend a fortune on sales training courses. In fact, I would ask you to be wary of any course that has a fantastic title with a name like ‘The Killer Lines needed to be a sales king’ or ‘How to break your sales goals in 1 day’. I don’t know if it’s actually courses, but I’ve seen dozens with names like these that would make you believe that you can double your earnings overnight. There is no magic pill or anything you can do to become a phenomenal salesperson overnight. Enthusiasm and drive will help you. But if you don’t understand the sales process, listen, and empathize with your customer and their needs, then you won’t be very successful in sales.

Look for the sales book that will give you a complete sales job. Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracey are two of my favorites.

In third place

Get an exercise program like you would at the gym. But instead of working on body parts, work on parts of the sales presentation. Break it down into four easy sections and list the types of exercises you will need to work on to get that part.

The beginning – Things like voice inflection, rhythm and pitch are important and also tell the customer who you are, why you are calling, and what is in it for them. Give them a reason to listen to you.

The middle bit – Get to know your customer, learn what they want from your service or product, use open-ended questions. These are questions that begin with who, when, where, why, what, and how. Using these types of questions collects more information than closed questions, giving you Yes and No. answers.

The most important thing is that it sounds like a conversation.

The sale – Describe your product or service with features and benefits.

Remember that features count and benefits sell, so use colorful and relevant benefits. Get feedback, so you can see how your launch is going. Trial closed. for example, “Is this the type of service you would receive?” Talk to your potential customer and not him.

The end – Closure. Do not complicate it, it is quite simple. Ask about the deal.

The above is a simple guide to areas and things you can work on. Each point can be a training course in itself. Get into the rhythm of understanding all of the above skills and get to know your industry.

By rooms

The most important thing is to make an effort and train every day. If you buy a book on sales, read it. I’m on different sales floors every day and see the same sales books on the same salesperson’s desks all the time. This is like buying a £ 100 pair of running shoes for the gym and then wearing them to pizza. Take your job seriously. Anthony Robbins claims that 7% of people finish the self-improvement books they buy. Make up your mind to be one of the minorities that succeed.


If you want to earn a 6-figure salary in sales, you have to apply it yourself. Don’t be like one of the masses and postpone everything for tomorrow. Think big and make it happen and you will make it happen.

Hope this gives you some guidance on the kinds of things you need to work on to be phenomenal in sales. Just remember there are plenty of sharks ready to sell you the best sales training dream. Success in this business won’t come overnight after reading a chapter or two of a magical sales manual. You have to work hard, practice and train. There is no one line solution. Sales are like a puzzle with many small pieces that you have to put together. Start small and pursue your goals in a professional, ethical, and focused way, and success will find you.

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