
Why are some people afraid of making money?

As a seasoned network marketer, it still amazes me how far some people go to avoid becoming “money earners and money savers.” Such fears, often completely irrational, are the basis for what network marketers call Objections. In many cases, people are not advancing in their own lifestyles and finances when they could achieve great achievements and improvements in their daily lives and that of their families. So let’s look at some examples of Objections.

Some people claim that they would have no one to talk to about their new business or service. If you think about it, practically all of us know many other people, either in our own country and/or abroad. It is widely believed that we all have between 50 and 500 personal contacts. You just have to ask yourself the question “Who do I know?” You can quickly start writing a list of names on a piece of paper. Let’s think about some examples. Do you have coworkers? What about neighbors, friends, relatives like parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews? Maybe go to a social club or charity group, sports club, gym, play cricket, rugby, football, tennis, badminton. Perhaps you belong to a group such as a parent-teacher association, a mother and toddler group, a Rotary association, or a women’s group. If you are religious, you can attend a church, mosque, temple, or synagogue. Think about who you send greetings to, such as your Christmas card list. What about your current and old diaries, who is in them? Other people you could add to your list could even include your doctor, dentist, milkman, mail carrier, local grocery store, or your butcher. The list of people we know is endless. In reality, most business prospects know a lot of people they could talk to or phone, but may tell you they don’t know anyone as a polite way of saying they’re not interested. Sometimes low self-esteem, cynicism, or irrational panic can affect people’s judgment to take a balanced point of view or their ability to realistically evaluate information presented to them.

Do you realize that you can add the people you know very easily? Let’s say you have a friend named Geoff. Ask Geoff “who does he know who would like to make some extra money or save money?” You will get a list of names and contact phone numbers for Geoff. This is called getting Referrals. Let’s say you did the same thing with 50 friends and each friend gave you 10 Referrals. Do you know how many contacts you would have? Work it out! You will be busy for a long time.

There is no doubt that there are many online and offline network marketing jobs and other work and home businesses that involve selling. In some cases you also have to buy shares. Some people seem to have a natural gift for selling, the “gift of gab” as some call it. However, many people do not like to sell face to face or even over the phone. Even if you are trained, you may not be very good compared to a professional salesperson. This is perfectly reasonable, but some people take it too far. A lady I spoke to a few years ago was interested in making money in a home-based business, but then she changed her mind, so I asked her why she suddenly changed her mind. She told me that her husband had put her off because she was trying to sell too much. I explained to him that selling was not required at all in this particular home business and that in fact it was better to have no sales experience. Her mind was so closed that she couldn’t accept it. This lady could have made thousands of dollars by now. What a wasted opportunity!

It’s common practice for network marketing companies to charge a relatively small one-time sign-up fee and set some sort of monthly service goal or activity fee. Such costs may be used to provide the new employee with free websites, promotional and administrative materials or tools. A prospect who is willing to pay such fees to register as an Agent, Representative, or Distributor demonstrates that they have a level of commitment to the business and are “serious.” People who join these types of ventures for free where no fee is required invariably soon become inactive and disinterested, having never been highly motivated in the first place. Some people are afraid to sign up for a networking business because they “have to pay something.” Other people think that a business is only worth joining if they have to pay a large franchise or investment fee like $100,000, but this is often not the case and does not guarantee success. The high cost of registration is simply a major risk factor. There are many networkers who earn five or even six figures a month. Why wouldn’t you want to pay, say, $30 a month if you had a monthly income of $40,000?

Some people are too reluctant to make any effort to improve. They want more money but when they get home from work or at the end of the day they watch soap operas or other shows on TV every night and put off their business calls until the next day or week. Lethargy leads to a lack of business activity, and while they are watching TV, your potential client may be hired by someone else. Some effort is required in life to achieve personal goals. There is an expression in networking that advises people not to procrastinate and get things done right away. This is sometimes called “feeling the fear.” Get out of the ”comfort zone” and set yourself goals in the short, medium and long term. Some sage advice in networking is “if you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” Attendance at “training” is also essential for success in network marketing.

If your car had a flat tire, would you fix it the next day? If you had a windfall and had a message that $50,000 was ready for you to pick up at the bank, would you find the time to go look for it or would you wait 6 months thinking about it? All of us can find time or MAKE time if we want to do something. It’s all about MOTIVATION and PERSISTENCE. It may surprise you to learn that many of the most successful network marketers are the people who are the busiest in their daily lives. This is because they know how to organize their time.

Some people worry about illegal online and offline schemes. These scams are often “pyramid schemes,” but some people mistakenly assume it’s all “fake.” It is true that care should be taken before sharing with money. Pyramid schemes take money from people without offering services or products. Legal network marketing businesses are now flourishing around the world since a historic US court victory by Amway many years ago. Shopping Genie managed by My Net Universe requires new distributors to be licensed and a Genie as a Service to be taken before they can be activated and Shopping Genie has become a worldwide income opportunity.

Take a look at our website and explore various opportunities to earn and save money, plus there is a free worldwide gifting app available to everyone. You will also find other useful links from the website to other relevant websites and internet marketing tools. There is also a section with some very interesting and informative articles to read related to network marketing, including objections and other topics. Visit The site links to financial independence and network marketing topics similar to “why some people are afraid to make money” on outlets like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Dr. Graham Clingbine Entrepreneur… working to improve his finances.

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