
Toilet hygiene made easy

The modern toilet is considered the greatest invention of the 20th century and not many people would argue with it if they thought about it. With the proliferation of public restrooms following the launch of the flush toilet, a new problem arose, bathroom hygiene or the lack thereof, to be more precise.

Bathroom hygiene is a problem for every school, hospital, shopping mall, cafeteria, and public space on planet earth. This problem is predominantly a male issue as men’s and boys’ restrooms get dirty quickly due to lack of attention and care.

Men’s and boys’ restrooms cost millions of dollars a year to clean. Until recently it has been an expensive necessity, but now it is a problem that can be largely solved by using a small plastic device called a “Wee Target”. These devices are heat sensitive targets that attach to the back of the toilet bowl or urinal and give the user something to aim at.

The unique differentiator with the Wee Target is that when the hot urine hits it, it reveals an image. This is a big hit with kids young and old alike. Washing Both cleans the target and returns it to an opaque state, ready for the next time.

While the initial thinking behind these devices was for potty training, the true value appears to be in toilet hygiene and its ability to save large-scale users thousands of dollars in toilet cleaning costs each month. .

Wee Targets have other uses too. Imagine a beverage company with its advertising message on the device. Each time one is used, it could reveal a message like “It’s time for another…”, or a public service message like “you’ve had too much to drink, take a cab home.”

The idea of ​​having something to point to is not new, in fact people have been putting corks in toilets for decades in the hopes of potty training children but with a little imagination and a little bit of Luckily, the inventors of the Wee Target have managed to stumble upon something that may have a much greater reach than potty training. In fact, these humble devices can revolutionize men’s toilet hygiene around the world and go a long way in making visiting a public toilet a more pleasant and less smelly experience.

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