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Self Esteem: 10 Tips to Develop Superior Confidence for Success

Many people, including myself, have struggled with low self-esteem at one stage or another in their life. That lack of confidence can cause a person to perform below standard, even while he’s doing the things he’s good at. The reason could be low self-evaluation or thoughts of not being good enough or that someone else can do better. Lack of confidence results in failed exams, interviews, or even auditions. The best candidate does not always win. The modestly gifted can take home the cup if he faces less confident opposition. I want to share ten things from some of my experiences that helped me build my confidence.

1. I have learned that whatever I do I have to enthusiastically do it wrong until I have learned how to do it right. So I proceed with confidence to do much better.

2. Self-esteem doesn’t just come from positive self-talk, it also stems from taking positive actions that are contrary to what others may believe to be true about you.

3. I am referring to a time when I was in high school and I loved to sing, but I always did a terrible job and my classmates criticized me, laughed and made fun of me. I discovered many years later that it was not a lack of talent but a lack of confidence.

4. I always strive for superior performance in whatever domain or activity I choose to participate in. Over the years I have refused to allow anyone to classify me, define me or compare me to another person. I have gained confidence through experience and there is no replacement for a tough mental attitude and the experience that comes through repetition.

5. The popular talent shows that are broadcast on television around the world may be responsible for exposing the talent of exceptionally gifted young people, but it is my opinion that they have destroyed others in the process, who lacked confidence. Some of the criticism does nothing to edify or encourage the one who has more passion than talent and needs an extra “push.”

6. You need courage to be confident. Brave and daring people don’t become that way overnight. They risked making a fool of themselves several times by doing what no one else had done and continued to do what they believed in. The great inventors of our time were not confident or sure that they would succeed, but they had the wherewithal to resist criticism and go on to achieve it.

7. Just because I write and speak doesn’t mean I was as confident as I was when I started my career, but I did invest time, energy and sacrifice working on my charisma, skill and presentation and seeking the advice of the wise. and women and now I walk with confidence in my step and boldness.

8. The most intimidating thing about being a salesperson is customer rejection. Some people are so negative they have to say “no” seven times before they say yes, so you keep asking for the order. When you have built your trust levels, you will be able to understand that it is not the object of your rejection, but the product or the proposal that is being rejected.

9. Knowing who I am in the grand scheme of things as a child of God has given me the knowledge that there is a place assigned for me in the world and I have discovered it and fill it with confidence.

10. Developing superior confidence is not about estimating yourself more than you should, but it means that you are sure enough of who you are to humble yourself and love your neighbor as yourself.

I believe you have what it takes to build superior confidence for your success.

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July 14, 2022