
MLM Moms

If you are a mom (or even dad!) building an MLM business and wondering how to maintain balance and sanity in your life, then this MLM training segment was written just for you. So let’s talk mom to mom.

First, let me share a bit of my story so you know that “I’ve been there, I’ve done that” and I’m not talking about an MLM theory. I built my business through baby number one, a pregnancy, baby number two, and even my current position as a teenager and pre-teen. Meanwhile, my children were at my feet and I was at home with them. Easy? Nope! Fast growth? Nope! It’s worth it? Every second!

Perhaps like you, when my husband and I decided to have children, we insisted that one of us be home with them. Since he was the main breadwinner in the family, that meant I would be home. And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

But it’s hard to survive on one income, so I started looking for a business. Long story short, MLM kept coming up, and while I was skeptical, I educated myself and jumped on it.

Today, I am happy to be among the ranks of MLM six-figure income earners, but it didn’t happen overnight; It was not easy; And there were many times along the way that I wanted to quit. Does this sound familiar to you?

Here are some ideas that I hope will help you as you go through your MLM journey, especially as a mom building strong kids and a solid business.

1. Be very clear on your reason why. This will sustain him when someone tells him he knows, or when things get slow. Make sure your why is very powerful to you and means more to you than anyone else can say or think. For me, the ability to create a fabulous lifestyle for my family and never have my kids in day care meant more to me than anyone else’s opinion.

2. Realize that as a mom with young children, you will need to balance and prioritize differently. Communicate with your sponsor and your team about your commitment, your priorities, and how you will balance the two. Never feel the need to compromise your values ​​when building your MLM business. I didn’t and you don’t have to either.

3. Get organized. And, I mean every area of ​​your life. Organize your business and your life. Set up a calendar with everything related to home and business. Mark the moments that are strictly family and any other non-negotiable moments in your life. Then (and this is important) find hours each day that you will work on your business. Commit to these times, no matter how small the time frame is. Be consistent and don’t procrastinate.

4. Ask for help in any way you can. Talk to your spouse about taking the kids for an hour so you can make calls. Talk about dividing up household chores differently. Invest in help as your budget allows. I know that hiring a cleaning lady was a priority for me as my business and earnings grew. The grocery store can help with this. Buy fresh pre-cut vegetables; marinated meats; and all you can to make things simpler. I’m a sucker for healthy eating and nutrition, so I’ve never resorted to “fast food” syndrome. Get a crock pot and use it! Prepare healthy and delicious meals in the blink of an eye.

5. Form a babysitting cooperative with other moms in your area. Then use it and reciprocate. I used my babysitting times as playtime for my kids, and then I used the times my kids were at a friend’s house to work on my business. This was an amazing resource for me as my kids never felt like they were in a babysitter. They just saw it as a playdate with someone from the playgroup.

6. Set clear goals and intentions for your business. As Yoda said to Luke in Star Wars II: “There’s no try. You just have to do it or don’t do it.” The same for your business. Make success non-negotiable. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. So what if it takes you seven years to become a top earner or reach your income goal? Will it be worth less? NO! Make it happen.

7. Work on Self-development. MAKE time for it. If you look for time in your schedule, it will never happen. You need to make time for your business and make time for the very important task of developing your mindset and growing your business from the inside out. This is the MOST important ingredient in your business.

8. Use technology: today, with the Internet and all the tools available, stay in touch: deliver timely information to your prospects; train your team and even get exposure so that people who are ready and looking for a business NOW can find it through search engines. DON’T let technology scare you. I had moderate success in MLM doing it the “old fashioned” way. I created a full-time income, but not “dirty money.” Today, using the Internet exclusively in my business, I am a VERY HAPPY six-figure earner working about 30 hours a week. I can work fewer hours than the “typical networker” because he let technology be my sales force and “PR people.”

9. Involve your children: From the time children are two years old, and maybe even younger, you can find useful, fun and educational ways to involve them in your business. In my business, young children can put labels on brochures, the base of candles and other products, envelopes, etc. They can fold letters, stamp postcards and have a good time “working” with mom. Relax and let go of your perfectionism. When was the last time you paid attention to how straight the stamp is on a letter you received in the mail? Involve them in non-commercial activities as well. My 13 year old son cooked dinner for our family the other night. Now if you’re thinking he pulled out the box of Mac-n-Cheese, think again. He made baked chicken with apricot-mango sauce; he quinoa; Green beans with pine nuts and red peppers and salad with goat cheese. I’m really not kidding. I LOVE to cook and have always liked my children to cook with me. Now he is ready to do his thing. Imagine what kind of time that offers me!

10. Do not compare yourself with anyone! This is very important. Who are you competing with? Only yourself. That’s really because competing with anyone else is like apples and oranges. Everyone has different strengths, weaknesses, life challenges, ambitions, and goals. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of energy. If you must compare, use yourself and your past accomplishments as the measuring stick. Track your steps, then strive for more each week. Your business will skyrocket!

11. Reward yourself. Life is meant to be fun and so is business. In the beginning, it is more difficult to set income goals, because you are building the foundation. This was always frustrating for me, until I discovered that by setting activity goals early on, I could track my progress and feel good about the steps I was taking along the way to make things happen. And, as my action steps increased, the rewards kept coming and my business kept growing, producing those previously elusive income goals. So look inward and act outward. Take care of charting your own game plan and focus on the future. Along the way, treat yourself to a job well done. And, it doesn’t have to be extravagant. Make it fun though!

10. Believe in the power of your dream. The subconscious mind is a funny thing. He does not know the difference between the real and the imaginary. So since YOU are the one in control of your thoughts, daydream some powerful thoughts. Let your mind go wild as you wander through your own field of dreams. And, while you are “there”, BELIEVE IT! Believe it and it will come true.

As a mom, you have the ability to offer the best gifts to your children and your family. You have the ability to raise happy, healthy and educated children. You have the ability to contribute to the family income without the need for makeup, pantyhose, or glass ceilings. What a relief! You truly have the ability to “have it all” and “have enough” without compromising your children along the way. Take advantage of the opportunity before you! I promise you, you will never regret it.

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