Tours Travel

Little Havana: Miami Secrets

Miami has many attractions. The beach. Sun. The restaurants. Night life. The Miami Dolphins, uh, I mean, the nightlife. Most of these are well known and sought after, as spring breakers and crazy tourists annually venture to the Magic City for one of the best moments they will never remember. But for those who want more than just a frozen strawberry margarita or a bucket of beer, Miami is the right place to go – it’s booming with an extreme culture, filled with little pieces that make it largely unique and like no other. American city.

One of the “tiny pieces” that paints Miami in color is Little Havana, an area of ​​Dade County where Cuban immigrants and refugees found comfort in a Castro-controlled regime. Named after the capital of Cuba, Little Havana is geographically very close to its namesake. Also culturally close, those who live in Little Havana often believe in their roots, but have little confidence in their previous government.

The good thing about Little Havana, or any ethnic enclave you visit, is that it maintains the culture of the country it represents. Visiting Little Havana is almost like visiting Cuba, but, you know, without socialism and the possible missile crisis.

By walking the streets of Little Havana, visitors enjoy a variety of experiences. From something as small as old men playing checkers to colorful paintings on the sides of buildings, there is culture on every corner. This area of ​​Miami is filled with the smell of cigarette smoking, people making coffee, juxtaposed with art galleries, family shops, Mom and Pop restaurants, and the sounds of lives being lived.

Little Havana, in recent years, has been devoted primarily to Cuban exiles. However, recent years have seen Nicaraguan and Puerto Rican immigrants follow in his footsteps, moving to the area. These days, part of Little Havana is called Little Managua, in homage to the Nicaraguan capital.

Little Havana is unlike any other area in the United States; its exceptionality stands out even in a place as diverse as Miami. One of the reasons for this is the Cuban-Festivo Calle Ocho street festival, which is held annually as part of the Miami Carnival celebrations. Free to the public, this festival shows the pride of the Hispanic communities. As people wear colors, wave flags and adorn T-shirts dedicated to their heritage, food from different countries is served and culturally different music is played. This festival often serves as a spoon in the melting pot of Little Havana.

Spanish for Eighth Street, Calle Ocho takes place in March between 27th Avenue and Fourth Avenue, along Calle 8. Famous for being the largest street party in the country, it attracts a million people. Typically, the festival contains more than 30 stages and hundreds of street vendors, artists, and entertainers. It has been going on for almost three decades. In 1998, the Calle Ocho festival made its way into the history books by setting a Guinness World Record for the longest conga line; it was a conga line that contained 119,986 people.

Whether you’re venturing to Little Havana just for the experience or to be a part of the conga line, it’s definitely worth the trip. By bringing the culture of a different country to the United States, Little Havana is a great way to see that it really is a small world after all.

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