Arts Entertainments

Kegger’s party in hell

Imagine this scene: a wild, drunken mosh-pit surrounded by happy partiers filling their beer glasses, screaming and laughing, with AC / DC stuck in the corner. The scantily clad females are hot and flirtatious, the adjoining rooms offer orgies and drugs to anyone who wants it. No, this is not a party at the Playboy mansion. Nor is it an exclusive wedding reception in the penthouse of a Las Vegas hotel. This is how many people mistakenly imagine that hell will be.

It’s no wonder they are so dogmatic in their position to make sure you get there. Sounds like paradise to you. This type of person does not usually fall into the atheist camp, as atheists are vehement about existence that ends with death (because they better be right). Some agnostics gravitate towards this view, allowing the possibility that God exists and they can go to hell.

But it’s actually more of a viewpoint held by a believer. That may seem a bit counterintuitive to you. But it is obvious that anyone who thinks that hell will be a wild party at least recognizes the fact that the Bible could be true and, if so, they will not go to heaven. Surely, Satan worshipers must feel that way. After all, the Bible affirms that all demons believe in God and his Son, and tremble at the thought of them (James 2:19).

Interestingly, what Muslims think heaven will be is not much different from the scene from the barrel part I painted above (for men anyway). Free-flowing rivers of wine and an eternity of sex with his own harem of virgin women. Don’t ask me why the heavenly rewards for Muslim men are the things that constitute sin on Earth.

The attitude that hell is going to be a party is extremely unbiblical. In fact, it is in direct contradiction to what the Bible teaches. So when you hear someone say they are going to hell because that is where their friends are going to be, you know that this person has not read or studied the Bible. It’s a catchy little phrase though, and probably how the misconception of a big reunion in hell started.

If you think it could be hell, do yourself a favor and at least find out what the Bible really says about it. You will not meet any friends. Free liquid refreshments will not be served. No band will play and certainly there will be no fraternization among its inhabitants. Instead, imagine total darkness, being completely alone, and feeling completely hopeless. It may not be such a good idea to go where your friends go.

The Bible also teaches that hell in its current state is only a temporary container. It’s like being in jail waiting for the court date. We will have to wait at least a thousand years. Then, he will have his appearance before the court, known as the Great White Throne Judgment, where he will be giving an account of himself before God. (Revelation 20: 11-15). If your name is not written in the Lamb’s book of life at that time (and it will not be if you were in hell), you will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire with Satan and all his demons.

So is the lake of eternal fire the barrel party? It doesn’t sound like that. The Bible describes it as a place where there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the worm never dies, whose smoke from its torment rises for all eternity. The good news is that you don’t have to be part of that crowd. Just to be safe, you can have your name written in the Lamb’s book of life, which takes about two seconds. Can you say these words: Jesus forgive me, … and seriously? If you can, you should. If the Bible turns out to be true, it simply avoided both hells. It sounds like a good insurance policy, especially since it is free.

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