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How to Choose a Personal Trainer – 4 Tips to Avoid Meatheads

Whether you’re just starting out in the gym or a seasoned gym goer looking to add a little zing to your workout, At one point or another, you’ve probably at least entertained the idea of ​​hiring a personal trainer to get you on your way.. For that, I feel sorry for you! Why? Well, having been in the fitness industry in some capacity for at least the last 15 years, it’s hard to admit, but our industry is hurting a lot! Statistics would show that there are MORE people looking to at least improve their fitness these days than ever before, yet their numbers are only rivaled by the number of unqualified trainers they trust to help them achieve their fitness goals. Yes, idiots are dominating this profession and it bothers me.

The worst part about this is that many well-intentioned people will give up their quest for a better body altogether after having a bad experience with an unqualified trainer. They may have been told to do some crazy exercises that ended up hurting them, or they were a little embarrassed by their inability to do what the trainer was unfairly asking them to do because of their strength levels, or they just hated the fact that their El The club’s appointed trainer was fulfilling all the stereotypes they had heard about personal trainers and it was leaving a bad taste in their mouths. For whatever reason, the experience quickly turned negative and soon… the thought of going to the gym became as appealing as chewing on a dumbbell.

So what needs to be done? Well…it’s pretty obvious that we have to have so many of you looking for personal trainers who know HOW TO AVOID MEAT. I say it with love, of course, but it has to be said. Chances are that at least 50% of the personal trainers working at your gym are there just because they like to work out and have gotten a weekend certification (worse yet… online!). So how do you distinguish these guys and gals from the ones who really have good credentials, know the body and can adapt to suit YOUR needs and not just theirs? Well… I’m glad you asked. I’ve put together my 4 tips for avoiding Meathead trainers and selecting someone who can help you and not hurt you in your quest for better health! So with that said…let’s get started!

1. Avoid ANY trainer carrying a 1 gallon water jug!

Really. While drinking water is important and crucial to building lean muscle… the need to carry a pitcher like you’re the milkman for yelling out loud is insane! Discreetly drinking water is fine. Swallowing so the world can watch you take the water in (even while your client is in the middle of a set!) is almost embarrassing. If as much attention was paid to the customer as to the water bottle, they might even have seen what happened when he dropped the weight on his toe! That said, the first rule of thumb is that if your trainer is one of those who does this… borrow the jug, open it up and pour the entire contents over his head… then get another trainer!

2. Only hire a coach who cares about what YOUR goals are…not theirs!

I once saw a 275 pound personal trainer in Florida take a 50 year old woman through her “Power Chest” workout! Really. He told her “Today we’re going to do a power chest workout. If you don’t like it, we’re going to do a power chest workout.” Wow…so motivating…and thoughtful actually! Unless your coach asked you what his goals were when she started exercising, you’re with the wrong coach. Sure, he may be looking to them for guidance on how to get in shape and that’s fine, but they still should have asked him what his ultimate goals were so they could better guide him to meet those specific needs.

3. If your coach doesn’t vary your workouts… you got the wrong coach!

I see over and over again personal trainers in the gym who NEVER vary their clients’ workouts. If I walk in on a Monday, they’re doing the same 5 exercises they were doing last Friday and they’ll do the same 5 exercises on Wednesday. This is due to laziness, plain and simple. In order for the muscle to adapt more and more, you must keep the exercises varied and constantly changing. Laziness and the need to switch exercises don’t go so well together. If you find that your trainer is doing this, then it’s time to find a new trainer.

4. Make sure your coach has a game plan… but be willing to rewrite it ANY time you need to!

To me…the highlight of a good trainer is someone who goes to the gym with a plan for the day, but is willing and able to vary that plan depending on what they get from their client on any given day. It is quite normal for a client’s energy levels to rise or fall depending on many other facets of their lives. Maybe they’re a little frazzled from stress at work, got up late the night before, feel extremely energetic on a particular day, whatever. The point is…the good trainer will recognize this and push further or back accordingly to ensure that each workout is maximized to get the most out of it and give you the best he has. As a coach of professional athletes, I deal with this all the time. My workouts are done on the go and that’s what makes it so exciting and enjoyable for me. The daily ebb and flow of energy must be met with proper balance or moderation and motivation!

Don’t fall victim to a bad trainer and don’t let a bad experience sour your perspective on your own fitness. It’s extremely important to be healthy and going to the gym is a big part of it…as it often is, hiring a personal trainer will get you started in the right direction. Use these tips to help you find the right one and make your trips to the gym a pleasurable experience and something you’ll look forward to for many healthy years to come!

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April 17, 2022