
Do you suffer from premature ejaculation? A couple of tips on how you can last longer in bed

Many men think that women care more about men who have a large penis. Is not true; I know from talking to my friends that there is a whole range of sizes that women find very pleasurable. I have even talked to a couple of girls who do NOT want men with big penises because these girls are small, and anything above the average size is painful for them.

But what every single girl wants is a guy who can last in bed.

It doesn’t matter if you have the build of a porn star if you can’t last more than 60 seconds. No matter how good a guy’s tool is, if he’s a “two-bomb sucker,” as some of my girlfriends call him, sex is going to suck for the girl. And eventually they will look elsewhere.

Guys who have premature ejaculation have an incredible amount of insecurity, and with good reason. As men, we all care about the size of our penis, but the vast majority of women simply don’t care about size as long as it’s average. But they DO care if sex is over for them before it even begins.

Most guys, when they realize they have this problem, start looking for ridiculous solutions. Like mentally counting backwards from 100, or saying baseball statistics. Worse yet, they could start looking for creams that will number them. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to mess around with a drug that isolates my feelings.

There are some solutions that you can try on your own, although the success rate may vary. One is that when you masturbate, don’t do it to climax, but try to prolong the session as long as you can. This can help when you’re in the middle of sex.

Also, vary your masturbatory routine. If you don’t use lube for your personal time, start testing it out as it will more closely match the sensations you’ll get during sex. Use different levels of pressure (a stronger grip or a softer grip, depending on how you normally do it) so you get used to different types of sensations. This might help you get used to the various sensations you’d get during real sex.

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