
Dealing with ADHD issues

Lilli was never still as a child. She was full of life and delighted with everything around her. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. She was my first baby so I never really thought about how a “normal” 5 year old should act. I was very lucky to be home with her since she was born and I never thought that she was different from any other child. However, around this time, she started k-5. She started her first year at school full of enthusiasm, ready to meet new people and take on the world. As the year progressed, the teacher began sending home notes every night saying that she couldn’t sit still, that she couldn’t concentrate, that she was disruptive, etc. I wasn’t happy, Lilli wasn’t happy, and Dad wasn’t happy. So we struggled through the school year and decided to study at home next year. When we started our school from home, I was able to figure it out and see what the teacher was referring to. She was very busy and active, but being home we were able to do more active work instead of sitting constantly. However, I began to realize that she was still not fully retaining what we were learning because she was so busy and her brain was racing. After going to the doctor, he prescribed Ritalin. We immediately saw a change in the way she was able to sit up and focus, but we also noticed that her quality of life was also not what she was meant to be. She didn’t eat (and she was already very small) and it wasn’t really her. I actually liked her upbeat, edgy personality (I guess she was so used to it). At the same time, we also found out that she was having silent seizures. She was struggling more than we realized. So here we go with more medicine. At the time, she was 7 years old and was on 7 different medications. As she grew, so did her seizures. She was having several different types of seizures all day and all night. This little life was miserable.

Finally, when I was 13, my best friend told me about an amazing product that was all natural, no additives, and easy to use. She told me to give it a try and even bought my first box (in fact, she bought it because of other problems my other children had). We tried it out for those particular issues and it really worked quickly and I was very excited. So I did more research and realized that they had products that could help with ADD/ADHD and epilepsy. I was so excited. I ordered what I needed and put it to work. In the last 2 1/2 years, he has been able to come off all but 3 of his medications, is no longer having continual seizures, is off Ritalin anymore, is able to focus on his school work, and is even playing basketball for our school. I never would have thought that she could have the ability to do what she has done. But I also know that she would not have been able to do anything without this product.

I’ve been so amazed watching it. She will be 16 in August and I am so proud of her. She is turning into an incredible young woman.

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