
But do you know HOW to apply that skincare product?

With all the skincare products out there in the universe, whether expensive or cheap, all natural or tested on animals, do you know HOW to apply these products? I have read and read many articles and blogs assuring the reader that your product is truly the best. They promise younger and healthier skin. There are potions and lotions. Creams and oils. There are even injections for the truly desperate, that is, just before going under the knife. Oh, how “society” and the media have brainwashed us into believing this all works! Well actually all of these products DO work, but only if the instructions are followed precisely. And that includes a balanced diet, lots of water (and that doesn’t include sugary vitamin waters), and exercise.

But that still doesn’t get to the point at hand. Do you know how to apply your skin care products?

Did you know that there is a difference between “rubbing” and “rubbing”? The mirror is rubbed with spray cleaner. He rubs the furniture with wax. However, NEVER rubs the skin of the face, especially around the eyes.

I believe that all skin care products, mainly natural ones, are the best for the skin. This article is not to promote a specific product. This article is intended to promote proper use. So these are the steps:

1) Wash your hands with soap and water before washing your face. It makes sense that you don’t want to get dirty hands when cleaning your face.

2) I recommend a facial wash. But if you prefer soap, make sure it’s for your face, not your body. Regardless of what you use, make sure it is gentle on the skin.

First, lather your hands. I like to apply my facial cleanser to a dry face (just a preference). Massage with UPWARD movements, always against gravity. Be careful around the eyes, keep your eyes closed, and be kind to the skin around the eyes. And remember the neck. The neck is often forgotten. And it should also be massaged in an upward motion.

3) When rinsing use lukewarm water. Too hot or too cold is just bad for the skin. However, I like to splash my face with cold water afterwards … not only is it refreshing, but it reopens the pores and keeps them tight. With a clean hand towel, pat her face. Please do not rub your skin dry. By patting your face, you are leaving some of the moisture in the water on your skin. And, interestingly, the moisturizer sticks better to the skin.

4) When applying toner, use 100% cotton balls. Cosmetic balls or pads are too hard and some of them contain abrasives. Remember, keep massaging in an upward motion.

5) Your eye cream must be concentrated. Use it sparingly. Apply your eye cream under the eyelid and above the top of the cheekbone. Make sure to rub around the eye area, staying away from the eyelid. The cap is very fine and porous. The cream will get into your eye if you are not careful. Did you know that your “ring” finger is the weakest of all your fingers, including the thumb? Use this finger when applying the eye cream.

6) For the face and neck, massage your moisturizer (which has an SPF of at least 15) in the same way that you massage your face and neck when you wash them, in an upward motion.

That’s all about it !! If you get into the habit of following all of these steps, then you really will have younger, healthier looking skin.

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HIIT workout training

July 7, 2021