
Aquarium (El Aguador) January 21 to February 19

A zodiacal constellation between Capricorn and Pisces and the eleventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

Aquarians are basically objective, friendly, progressive, humanitarian, futuristic, honest, tolerant, independent, inventive, unpredictable, intellectual and have a very attractive personality. In some places, they are emotionless and also detached, we can call these clothes their worst qualities. Aquarians have two types of personalities, one is shy, gentle, sensitive and patient and the other phase is lively and exhibitionist. This star has many good qualities but very few personality drawbacks. Aquarians are very energetic, they have strong convictions, and their willpower is also very strong.

They are very honest in their statements, even if they make a mistake, they admit it and accept it.

The very common habits in both types of Aquarius are that they are frank, serious, idealistic, active, temperate, sensitive, refined, express themselves with reason, clear and logical, self-confident, kind, concise and always intelligent.

Both phases of Aquarius like to become temporary loners. They love to be independent and never follow along, even don’t like being interfered with.

Aquarians have an interest and good taste in music, art and theater and have a talent for theater and especially for the arts. They don’t make friends easily, but they love to help humanity.

One of the rarer qualities Aquarians possess is that their judgment of human nature is excellent and this habit helps them choose their friends and love. He punishes everything for his loved ones, his emotions are hurt very easily since due to a good perfection in his personality, he expects everything ideally. Aquarians never yell very easily in their anger or grievance, but once they leave someone, they never speak to that person for life.

In group projects, Aquarians work best if they are given a leading role. They have a unique desire for knowledge as they learn by observing things. They are also very good entertainers, as they can talk about any topic and entertain all kinds of people.

Aquarians have a very sensitive nature, which is why they get depressed. They like to fight for a cause, plan and dream for the future, have fun, think about the problems of the past but dislike excessive loneliness, imitations and false promises.

Aquarians are called water bearers, as they are symbolized as nourishing the earth with life-giving energies. Here we find innovation, individuality and themes of change.

Aquarians’ favorite color is TURQUOISE.

The star stone is AMETHYST


Aquarians are very brainy, brilliant and visionary as they see so far that they leave their present behind. They approach life in a fresh and independent way.

They are not emotional, in fact, they ignore their feelings and prioritize getting the best result from their idea. They put their best level to achieve the objectives as they have an entrepreneurial and socially progressive approach due to the theoretical, strongly imaginative, philosophical, dedicated to work and spiritual nature.

Aquarians are multi-talented, expressive, attention grabbing and testing their ideas as they are full of inspiration.

As far as food is concerned, the best food for Aquarians is light food.

They are independent in their style, they do what they like on their own, they love to look and be different and unique, they wear all those things that are surprising and unexpected. They are art lovers for their hobby. They like to cook too.

The best couple is Libra and the worst is Cancer. They are happy to be alone and emotionally great, but these bad habits sometimes create problems, they feel emotions bind them as commitments, and they love to be independent, so they mostly avoid things that bind them.

Excellent problem solver and good go-getters and they never lose hope, in fact they overcome negative problems very easily. They fixate on the opinion and justify their actions and once they make the decision, they confidently expect its positive results despite facing many obstacles. They have a great thirst for knowledge and are very observant. I love seeing people’s point of view. For Aquarians, life is the study of people.

Aquarians are very sincere in nature and very loyal to the person they love, but in a romantic relationship, they keep a bit of distance to balance with their independence as well. They are liked by people because of their wise, sincere, clear, perspective, futuristic, tolerant and unique nature.

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