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Alternative therapy for mental problems

Alternative therapies for autism

This page is designed to help you conduct research to find help and solutions that improve autism symptoms. You can use this reference page to find out more about the many different therapies that have helped others. New products and theories appear all the time.

There are many different therapies that have helped many people with “mental problems”, from ADD / ADHD / Autism to depression and even schizophrenia. Some (like EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback (NFB)) or End Point Titration (EPT) or Hyperbaric (oxygen tanks) etc, which now have inexpensive alternatives are not included. Google these “names” if you want get information about them.

1. The newest and certainly the least expensive “brain training” method is the Neuroliminal Training (NT) system. This has now been shown to be an excellent and inexpensive alternative to both expensive Neurofeedback (NFB) training and Hyperbaric Oxygen. The results are very similar to those of Neurofeedback (both EEG and HEG BF). For a fraction of the cost of those, it offers an affordable and much better alternative to Ritalin and other dangerous drugs for low and middle income families who simply cannot afford Neurofeedback or Hyperbaric. Both NFB and NT work to eliminate allergens that cause mental problems of all kinds.

2. Allergens are almost always part of all “brain problems”. There is a simple and free way (except for some detective work) to detect them. Even if you use NT or NFB training, this is a good idea!

3. For the ADD to Autism continuum (as well as depression and schizophrenia), there is a good chance that the mercury used in infant or child vaccines (or other toxic minerals) may be the true underlying problem. These mineral toxins MUST be removed from the body by chelation. There are several old and new methods to do this:

to. Vitamin C in large doses: it has two advantages; it is relatively inexpensive and is good for general health. In my previous practice, I used it with excellent success in many cases of schizophrenia. In general, it is very safe, unless the patient is allergic to corn (not that unusual). For younger children, I would recommend 1 gram (1000 mg) at each meal for every 40 pounds per child. Overdose only causes diarrhea, and this amount may need to be increased if it occurs. If a corn allergy is suspected, use calcium ascorbate, either in powder or lozenge form. I buy the cheapest form of ascorbic acid from Cosco, but my wife (with a corn allergy) has to use the calcium ascorbate.

B. Chelating Chemical Injection: Therapy in which a chelating drug (EDTA) is injected into a vein for about an hour in a clinic office. This is also quite expensive. Not recommended.

vs. Zeolite in liquid form – A newer method that is taken by mouth (and relatively expensive). This is actually a form of lava rock that is very porous, and this porosity attracts heavy metals (mercury, lead, copper, etc.) that bind to it and carry it through the urine / pathway. kidney. The reports are excellent, but it is marketed using a kind of MultiLevelMarketing (MLM) scheme that makes it more expensive. The base retail price is about $ 50, but if you become a distributor, it drops to about $ 33. You can get more details by Googling “zeolite”.

D. Glutathione Supplements: There is a supplement (new to me) specifically designed to raise glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is a natural combination of amino acids that is a powerful antioxidant with several other interesting characteristics:
It is an important part of the immune system that scientists often overlook. Glutathione detoxifies the body by removing poisons, including mercury and other toxic minerals. (Similar to chelation, but most of the other toxins and minerals). It is not well absorbed when taken as a direct supplement. This is important as there are many supplements that contain glutathione that are generally not effective.

Low levels of glutathione are found in all autistic children, as well as in many other sick or toxic people. These low levels do not allow good excretion. This explains why tests of hair, blood, and urine for mercury (and other minerals) do not accurately show what is stored in the body.

Supplement Program Price: $ 85 for a 28-day supply. Again, it’s not cheap, but it seems to be worth the price if you can afford it.

4. There is a company that advocates a special “organic body diet” that has been very successful with autism and virtually all other health problems. It includes many products designed to make the human body work better and more efficiently. It includes some very good probiotics, as well as others that help eliminate yeast overgrowth and “leaky gut syndrome.” Again, it is not cheap, but it is worth it, if it is affordable for your family.

5. What do digestive enzymes have to do with ADD / ADHD and autism? A “leaky gut syndrome” leads to more allergy / sensitivity and enzymes with meals break down food better, reducing the need for “leaky gut.” This has helped many people with ADD / ADHD and autistics.

to. There is a Kirkman Labs sponsored bulletin board that has a forum on special digestive enzymes. Join at: [email protected].

B. Another company that has an excellent line of enzymes is New Beginnings. In addition to enzymes, they have many gluten / casein free nutritional supplements and a “purified source” of cholesterol (see below).

6. At the recent Orlando conference, I also learned that many autistics have low cholesterol and that supplementing with two egg yolks a day can improve many symptoms. Sure, this is easy and inexpensive to test. If the person has an allergy to eggs (not uncommon), a “purified” cholesterol can be obtained from the New Beginnings supplier that is not allergenic.

7. For autistic (and ADD / ADHD) children, there is much evidence that a gluten-free and dairy-free diet can help considerably. Google gfcf for more information. (The caveman diet above includes this and many more of the commonly allergenic foods. Try it for a week or so, then switch to gfcf.)

8. The latest research also shows that supplementing with fish oil can dramatically improve the set of ADD-Autism problems. I use Salmon Fish Oil from Our Health Co-op. This web-based health food store is one of the best for both quality and price. (I have no financial interest in this company or Solgar, but I buy several supplements from them).

9. There is a drug therapy called LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone). While it is a drug, it seems that in low doses it can significantly decrease many diseases Some good results have been reported for autistics. (symptoms) in autism, HIV / AIDS, cancers, etc.

10. Another new nutritional “therapy” consists of supplemental glyconutrients. A company called Mannotech is marketing them through MLM (which I hate), and they are apparently helping with some ADD-Autism symptoms. For more details on glyconutrients, a new found essential nutrient, check out both Mannotech and Glyconutrients by Googling them.

11. There is also a therapy technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that has also shown some good results with ADD / ADHD, depression, etc. This was put together by Gary Craig.

12. Some have had good results with NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique). However, the results are mixed and Dr. Nambudripad is unhappy with many practitioners who do not follow her technique carefully.

13. There is a system similar to NAET called Bioset. There is a book “Cure for Food Allergies” by Dr. Ellen Cutler, which explains the use of Bioset to eliminate allergies. This can also be done at home, as the book explains “How”. Check out your local library and see if they can order it for you, or you can probably get it from Google Bioset.

14. Don’t forget a very important way to improve all mental “illnesses”. Help resolve “leaky gut syndrome” by cleaning the gut and supplementing it with a good vitamin / mineral regimen. This should be a first step.

15. Finally, one of the oldest, cheapest and most effective “remedies” of all: magnesium! It has been known for years as the “calming chemical”. In our culture we rarely get enough and this deficiency can make many mental problems worse. It’s safe like you have an overdose, like vitamin C, it just gives you diarrhea! Milk of Magnesia and Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) are two very old good products that are often overlooked today. For autistic children and those with ADHD in particular, try Epsom salt baths. It has helped many children and adults. I prefer magnesium citrate daily as a supplement. I get this from the health cooperative mentioned above.

There is also a lot of free information on my website “”, and you can get a free copy of the full book “The Health Revolution” by subscribing to my free newsletter on that home page.

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