
28 tips to energize your life

To Revitalize You, To Say Goodbye To Fatigue…

  1. Eat right: Nutritious meals are number one in the battle against fatigue.
  2. Get up early: Sleeping too much can shorten your life expectancy.
  3. Protein-rich foods.
  4. Eat fruit when you need a snack.
  5. Avoid excess caffeine.
  6. Take vitamin B complex.
  7. Rest, relax and sleep properly. Relax before you get tired.
  8. Meditate whenever you have the opportunity to do so; meditate many times during the day.
  9. pamper yourself; take a break when you need it.
  10. Breezy daily walk.
  11. Enjoy music and songs whenever you get the chance during the day.
  12. Enjoy walking instead of driving.
  13. Play outdoor games.
  14. Make something more beautiful – Aesthetic Culture.
  15. Learn to overcome stress and tension.
  16. Energy follows thought. Do not think about your insufficiencies, your flaws, your imperfections and your failures. But think about your achievements. Feel your beauty, your inner value, your Buddha nature.
  17. Have fun. Look at the beauty and enjoy, listen to music and enjoy, use all your senses and enjoy. Use your senses to the fullest, then you will really live, your life will be on fire; it will not be boring, it will be full of energy and vitality. Be alive because only on the wings of life will you reach the truth. If you are boring, you are lost. Be radiant.
  18. Love more and your body will collect more energy from the entire cosmos.
  19. Be very mindful of your diet. Be aware of what and how much you eat, and its effect on your body. If you experiment with consciousness, you will surely discover what is the right food for you, what food gives you tranquility, peace and health. There are no real difficulties in doing this, but because we don’t pay attention to food, we can never discover the right food. And eat with joy and joy.
  20. Take a shower every day. It purifies and refreshes not only the body but also our innermost core.
  21. Enjoy reading.
  22. A lot of time and energy is wasted on fighting, accepting what is. Make friends with what is.
  23. Do not create absolute ideas; stay flexible. Be like water. It has no shape, it is infinitely adjustable. That is its beauty, it knows no rigidity. Flexibility is life. It means responding to the moment without any preconceived ideas.
  24. Consult your doctor and take medication when necessary. Take Neem for healthy body and skin, Bitter Melon (Karela) for regular and good metabolism, Holi Basil (Tulasi) for cough and cold relief and boost immunity, Boswellia Serrata (Shallaki) for pain and joint inflammation, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) to relieve stress, tension and fatigue, Bacopa (Brahmi) for good memory and concentration.
  25. Love your work and be creative. Turn your work into fun. Boredom sucks. I work as a game. Work as worship. Combine activity and relaxation.
  26. Laugh your way to health. Laughter brings strength. Laughter is one of the most profound medicines.
  27. Don’t avoid tears. Let the tears flow. Learn to talk to God. Cry alone. Don’t hold back your tears.
  28. Let the silence rejuvenate you. Learn silence – the silence that is alive, positive and affirming. Silence is a joy. It’s not just the absence of worry, it’s the presence of ecstasy. The real silence has to be in the crowd. When the crowd cannot disturb your solitude, then it is yours. When nothing disturbs you, when nothing distracts you, then you are centered. When you are really silent, you will find silence everywhere. Silence is something inside; I still something outside, therefore, silence is not stillness. The tranquility depends on the external conditions; silence is unconditional. Look, be a witness, focus, meditate and enjoy the silence.

Follow all 28 tips above and stay healthy, strong and energetic. Your whole being must be full of energy.

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August 21, 2022