
Your biggest opponent in tennis

The biggest opponent you are going to face in tennis is yourself.

Please remember that and never take your mind game for granted.

Learn to get out of your own way, so that you can discover your true authentic style of play, that is, one that comes naturally to you.

So realize that you have to get out of your own way and let your authentic play style come through.

I mean total self-expression here.

“Tennis is all about self-discovery and then self-expression. When tennis players get into this state of mind, they find it’s easier to play their best tennis.”

This requires commitment, meditation and concentration.

Through the power of concentration, you can become any player you want.

That is why I am writing this article for you today.

Every tennis player has 2 selves.

But most players concentrate on their own foul, instead of correcting their thoughts and letting the secret player out.

All tennis players have this “secret player” inside of them, but they don’t know how to let that player come out and shine on the court.

“See your mind as a river and never let big rocks block the flow, so you can keep your mind flowing daily.”

Many youth players don’t work hard enough on their mental game and struggle in matches.

So be aware of your thoughts and capture them, then correct them on and off the court.

Focus on mentally moving forward and maintaining presence.

You will have to watch yourself closely every day like a hawk and guard your mind from reliving the failures and setbacks of the past.

Play in the moment, playing every point as hard as you can and as smart as you can.

Play every game with true intentions and watch every set and practice, as if it were your last on the court.

Because guess what friend.

One day will be!

Imagine if for the next 2 months you were to practice like it was the last in your career?

How would you play that day?

I bet you would play as hard as you could and be in the moment and enjoying all of the practice.

Well, if you want to reach your tennis goals and your full potential, step aside and let your real tennis come out.

In summary.

The only person who can stop you from winning is YOU!

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