
What gift to give your boyfriend’s mother on his birthday?

You’ve been dating your boyfriend for a while. One day, he casually drops that his mother’s birthday is coming up next week. You skid to a mental stop and bite your lower lip in concern. This is important, but what the heck would make a great gift? Do you give it alone or should it be a double effort? The answer depends on two things: the length of your association with your mother and an intimate knowledge of her likes and dislikes. Both factors decide the type of gift that would be most appropriate.

Here are some creative ideas that can make the gift shopping experience less stressful.

1.Gift certificates to a spa / salon
Whether you’re the stay-at-home type or a hardworking woman, a gift certificate to a reputable spa or salon will always appeal to the recipient. Let her have a luxurious day by giving you a massage, pedicure, manicure and facial. Every woman loves to feel pampered.

2. Consider your mother’s tastes
Does your favorite occupation consist of knitting a variety of woolen garments for your family? If so, prepare a high-quality wool basket in a few well-chosen colors, a set of knitting needles, and a pattern book. The next cardigan you wear could be knitted for her! Alternatively, replace the knitting paraphernalia with books, music CDs, and videos if you are a voracious reader and love to listen to music.

3. Fashion accessories for a fashionable mom
Glam up your mom with a pretty cashmere shawl, scarf or stole. For the working mom, a fashionable leather bag, the timeless classic, is a great idea. Fashion gloves are equally considerate, if she wears them.

4. say it with flowers
You sure have a favorite flower – check with your boyfriend. If you have just started interacting with your family, particularly your mother, then a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers is a suitable gift. Attach a thoughtful birthday card to the flowers.

5. Even mothers love chocolates!
This is something all women, regardless of the number of candles on their birthday cake, have a soft spot for. But be sure to choose a delicious gourmet chocolate. Make it really personal by having a message specially engraved for her on the slab. (Of course, check with your boyfriend if there is any possibility that his mother is allergic to chocolates. It is not possible for his face to react, is it?)

6. do something awesome!
Ah, this is a gift that is perfect if you share an amazing bond with her mother and have known her for a while. Is your mother passionate about a cause? Have a favorite charity? Secretly (consort with groom) donates to this charity in his name, giving his full name and photograph and other details. These charities usually respond by thanking the donor and may also post the same in their newsletter.

Remember, you are not married yet! You have to walk that fine line between “too much and too little.” Therefore, overtly extravagant or expensive gifts are not really the order of the day. In fact, they can even be mistaken for a “bribe”; a thinly veiled attempt to win favor. Whether or not you want your mother to consider you the perfect marriage material, make sure the gift you choose is personal and thoughtful!

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