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Using a podcast for training

Coaching is a process that allows you to help an individual or group of people assess and gain a solid insight into who they are, what is important to them, their strengths, their weaknesses, and help them achieve their goals. A good coach will help them overcome challenges, help them recognize the options available to them and the action to take to execute the changes they want to achieve in their life or work. Podcasting is a great way to help a lot of people in your niche by recording your training.

The emphasis of coaching is based on the concept of the trainer imparting knowledge to the students. Coaching focuses on helping people take responsibility for identifying their goals, assessing their strengths and areas for development, and identifying their solutions for moving forward. This is accomplished by the trainer by asking thought-provoking questions, providing guidance to help an individual or group explore, reflect and make sound decisions.

Podcasting can make the job of coaching an individual or group of people easy and time-saving. Podcasting serves as an excellent platform to share vital information on whatever topic or area of ​​focus you specialize in. The ability to share this information with a specific audience increases the relevance of your podcast.

You can create a podcast to provide essential information and tips on a regular or sporadic basis. The most successful podcasts are those that consistently deliver value and content. This allows listeners to get used to receiving downloads on a constant basis.

Even those who are not yet your private clients, but are interested in your area of ​​focus, could get value from your podcasts. This would allow them to tap into your wealth of knowledge in a particular field, build a relationship, and possibly seek you out for a higher level of training.

Different ways to use podcasting for coaching

1. You can use your podcast to share information with your existing customers.

His podcast contains crucial information on any coaching topic or advice that you want to share with your existing clients. Your “existing customers” could be those customers you are familiar with and have been following you for a long time. Other clients would be those who have signed up and are paying for your coaching. Some others may only have free access.

One nice thing about podcasts is that you can create a private podcast link and still send the relevant information to paying customers. Only those in your top-tier training programs will receive the private podcast link and be able to access the content.

two. You can use podcasts to share information with those interested in your niche.

You may have general knowledge information available for free access at the public link. This will allow you to offer value to those who are looking for answers. If you provide great value under the free link, it will make them wonder “How good is paid content if this is what is provided for free?” This will move people from the free podcast to your private training program.

Benefits of Podcasting for Coaching

1. Podcasting for coaching is an efficient way to store training materials and information. This allows it to be available whenever it is needed, whether it is for training or to send a new client.

2. This training material will be accessible for your clients to download on their mobile devices, usually in mp3 format. It also allows your customer or audience to access learning resources anywhere, anytime, with minimal effort.

3. Podcasting allows you to segregate your content. You may have some content that will be available only to your private customers. Through the podcast settings, you can set some content to be open to everyone and other content as a private link only. In essence, podcasting allows you to have control over the privacy of your content.

4. Podcasting eradicates your clients’ worry and anxiety if they miss a live coaching meeting. You will be able to listen to everything he shared in the training session after the class.

5. One of the advantages of podcasting is the attention it attracts. It can be difficult for some clients to spend 20 minutes reading an article or watching a video. That’s because those formats require the customer’s full attention, as they need to sit patiently, doing one thing. Podcasting allows your customer to listen to you while doing other things.

Many coaching professionals have turned to podcasts as an easy and effective way to grow their coaching business and stay connected with their existing clients. Furthermore, the podcast can also be used to attract future clients. Podcasting and coaching work together like hand in glove!

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September 23, 2022