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“Hook” Your Readers By Writing Excellent Chapter Titles

It is well known that a title can make a huge difference in nonfiction book sales. Captions make a difference, too, and most authors spend considerable time creating both. But, surprisingly, for many authors this is as far as possible. If you look at the chapter titles, they are unimaginative and boring, and obviously very little thought has been given to them. However, there is no doubt that they also play an important role in the success of a book, not to attract potential customers, but to keep them reading once they have started reading.

In practice, many of the same things that apply to titles and subtitles also apply to chapter titles. First, chapter titles should reflect the promise that is made in the subtitle. Second, as in the case of title and subtitle, chapter titles should focus on Benefits or more specifically in needs and wants. Each chapter should, in fact, address a specific benefit, need or want, and describe how it can be achieved. In fact, you should always think about the basic human needs that relate to your book as you sketch and write it. Some of the main ones are: money, security, good health, love and self-improvement. Third, the more people-oriented you can make your headline, the more likely it is to generate interest. For example, a title like “Make More Money – Fast” may be good, but even better is something like “How Jack Jones of Colorado Springs Doubled His Income in 30 Days.” People like to read about other successful people, it inspires them. Fourth, whenever possible, use power action words such as: control, change, improve, motivate, achieve, launch, produce and generate. They help capture the attention of readers. And when you use them, be sure to give examples.

In any book, the chapter titles will be closely linked. Each will deal with some aspect of the general theme of the book. Make sure all of them not only pique the reader’s interest, but fascinate him as well. In particular, make sure the reader wants to continue reading after they have read the chapter title. Some suggestions are:

  • Use the same words at the beginning of several chapters. End with different words (e.g. make sure … make sure …)
  • Humorous titles help, but they should cut to the chase.
  • Smart titles are great (for example, How to respond to a statistic)
  • Use alliteration whenever possible (eg, “Build a memorable memory,” Get some great guts).
  • Surprise the reader from time to time (eg watch out!).
  • Study other books similar to yours for title ideas.

Spend time creating your chapter titles. This should start when you are outlining your book. Make sure to think carefully about each title and don’t settle for the first thing that comes to mind.

Ask yourself the following questions as you review your chapter titles:

  • Do they mean benefits?
  • Are they interesting, really interesting?
  • Are they funny or smart?
  • Are they different and unique?
  • Are they clear? Does its meaning come immediately?
  • Do they have a “hook”?
  • Do they use power action words?
  • Are they logical? They have senses? Are they reasonable?
  • Are words repeated occasionally from chapter to chapter?
  • Has alliteration been used?
  • Do they arouse curiosity?
  • Are they likely to inspire the reader?
  • Do they appeal to basic human needs?
  • Are they positive and optimistic?
  • Do they contain keywords?

Combine great chapter titles with great titles and subtitles, then start each chapter with a brilliant advantage and you have a winner for sure.

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