
Graphology at home – Lesson 6 – Sexuality

Sexuality, of course, plays an important role in our lives. The area that represents it is the lower area, and the letter that most effectively reveals its quality is the letter g.

Although the letters f, j, p, q, y, and z also reach the lower zone, for reasons of accuracy, graphologists focus their analysis on g and use the other letters in the lower zone as supporting corroboration. Often times, other letters are useful only in certain specific areas, while the writer’s method of forming the g is always revealing. It is believed among graphologists that, of the looped letters in the lower area, the g more reflects sexuality.

The Palmer method is the type of writing that we were taught to write in school. Normally, as people mature, one way or another they drop parts of the system they learned in school and acquire their own way of writing, which reflects their particular personality. People who still write in their later years as they did in school are often immature and fearful of change, but naturally this applies to handwriting as a whole, not just single-letter formation.

The g, which can pass for the number 9, shows an obvious sentiment for the numbers. People who write like this are usually accountants and mathematicians.

A g extending downward, shows concentration and fatalism. Both this g and the previous one lack the loops of the Palmer g method. As we will see, the upward stroke of the g is what we use to measure sexual completion. The gs that have no upward blow (or, as many graphologists call it, a return blow), reflect a rejection of sex on the part of the writer.

Concentration is explained this way: Since materialistic and / or sexual preoccupation can interfere with the thought process, these factors are avoided here and the power of concentration is released from being blocked. So, in addition to the negative personality that we see in this writer, there is also a positive factor.

Where there are open bottoms in oval letters (a, d, o, etc.), it shows that sexual responsibilities are avoided. It shows the embezzler, obviously one who avoids responsibility. Since this open oval is at the bottom of a “sexual” letter, we see that sexual responsibility is avoided. As written here, this open oval can be seen as a circle, missing something, the same part that this writer’s personality is missing.

When the upward stroke does not pass through the downward stroke, it is a sign of masturbation or virginity, a sign of not very strong sexual fixation.

The down stroke indicates the amount of sexual force in the writer, the up stroke how much of the down stroke is being completed. When the downstroke is 8 millimeters and the upstroke is only 2 millimeters, the gap is huge. The writer is very incomplete sexually, considering how much energy he is emitting compared to how much he is absorbing.

When the upward race crosses low enough on the downward race, it shows completion, up to a point. However, since the down race is greater than the up race, it shows a gap in completion, hence frustration. As a general rule of thumb, since g is assumed to be in two zones (middle and bottom) and the normal size of each zone is 3 millimeters, the part of g in the bottom zone should average 3 millimeters for the run descending as well as for the ascending movement. When the down race measures more independently than the up race, whether you cross the up race or not, the amount of frustration can be measured by the difference.

If, for example, the downstroke measures 5 millimeters (2 millimeters more than the “normal” downstroke), the upstroke should also measure 5 millimeters. A “normal” upward movement of 3 millimeters would represent 2 millimeters of frustration.

When g is a closed triangle, it indicates someone who may be a tyrant in their own home, usually due to sexual deception. All angles hint of stiffness. When these angles are in the lower zone, they show that the stiffness of the writer is caused by what the area represents, sexuality.

Graphologists refer to this g structure as the “henpecker”. Whenever a triangular shape appears in the lower area, it probably means controversy, disputes, etc. Whenever a triangle appears, as is the case here, with the point at the bottom, we see that the writer, whether male or female, has a great interest in the female body. When this sign appears in a woman’s writing, it does not necessarily mean that she is a lesbian, as many clothing models and women in the field of fashion write that way. It simply implies a concern for the female figure. However, many lesbians write g with downward-pointing loops, and some women write “male” symbols alongside the triangular (female) ties, showing bisexuality.

The double-looped g is found among people with strange habits. It is associated with drug use and shows confusion, perhaps such a strong urge that the writer has succumbed to it. Although many physical units are difficult to control, this one is doubly so.

When both the down and up strokes are distorted, they probably represent the sexual pervert.

An extremely large loop shows tremendous sexual imagination. Since the lower zone reflects the sexuality of the individual, its size indicates that sex dominates the writer’s thinking.

When the g-loop is sharp at the bottom, we see one who penetrates, penetrates one who does not give up easily, who wants his own way. This writer will also be vindictive. It takes a rigid and hardened approach to sex, as indicated by the sharpness of the angles. (Notice how the shape resembles the blade of a knife.)

The flimsy-looking g shows a person who is sexually weak and / or shy. A certain amount of physical strength is needed for normal relationships. This writer lacks this area, as reflected by the weakness of the loop, which is an indicator of the physical (sexual) strength of the individual.

When the g has a large triangular loop with a horizontal base at the bottom, it shows materialism, and the fact that it sits on a base shows that the writer needs a solid base for this materialism.

This bears a superficial resemblance to the triangular ‘g’ we discussed earlier, but they mean different things graphologically. That one has the dot at the bottom, reflecting an interest in the female form. Here the bottom is flat, horizontal.

The open-8 g is often found among lesbians. This structure can appear like the female anatomy. The female form is on the mind of this writer.

When the loop goes up, around, pointing to the left (the self) and the bottom length is inflated, it shows materialism. That, combined with the self-assertion loop, adds up to greed and selfishness.

When the lower loops get tangled, it shows hypersexuality. This person lives for pleasure, no matter what may come of it.

As a general rule of thumb, if the lower zone is equal to or smaller than the upper zone, the sex drive will be under control.

When the lower lengths are short, we see a person who, if not a physical wimp, lacks sexual drive and strength, one who tires easily. Your situation is not healthy. You have aborted the natural sexual energy and you would be wise to seek advice.

When the upstroke and downstroke meet at the point where the downstroke begins, just below the oval part of the g, the same basic amount of force is used in upward strokes as in downward strokes (we call this uniform pressure ). Usually the downhill race is a bit heavier, but that doesn’t matter as long as there are no marked differences. Here we have a writer who started and ended with the same basic amount of sexual power: a healthy sex life.

Where the ascending stroke crosses the descending stroke, but either somewhere in the middle or towards the bottom, the writer completes the act, but usually finishes before his partner. This often leads to frustration in the relationship. There is selfishness in the composition of this writer, as he lacks consideration for his partner.

Downward strokes can have much more pressure than upward shots, although ascenders cross the downward in the “right” place. This trait shows that whatever strength the writer has is used at first, but he somehow manages to complete the act.

When the upward race is not at all an upward race, the action was started, but not finished. Or perhaps the person often “ends” with masturbation.

What is classical romantic writing? Her writing slopes to the right, showing warmth, and her long lower loops indicate a strong sexual feeling. We generally find that a man writes with greater pressure than a woman.

If you look closely at the ‘g’s, but they can pass through a, due to their extremely short bottom length, we often find a sexuality gone wild. There is no natural way out (as indicated by the fact that there are practically no underlying lengths), so the writer derives his pleasure from unhealthy forms of expression, such as inflicting pain. It is the writing of the sadist.

The Marquis de Sade (from whom we got the term “sadist”) wrote similarly.

When writing leans significantly, it shows a dependence on others. If this writing is combined with an extremely doughy and unctuous hand, as if using an ink blotter, indicating a very strong sensuality, the extremely short lengths we talked about above now speak of masochism. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (from whose name the term “masochist” is derived) wrote similarly.

Whenever there is extremely thick writing, we are dealing with a sensually abnormal individual. Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President Kennedy, wrote that way. His writing also has many angles and hooks, showing a rigid and headstrong approach. Rigidity, coupled with abnormal sensuality, can cause the possessor to perform a most barbarous act.

Lesson 6 test

1. What zone represents sexuality?

2. Which letter most effectively reveals its quality?

3. When the ‘g’ is missing a return stroke, what is indicated?

4. Should the down stroke (of the ‘g’) be eight millimeters, while the up stroke

It measures only two, what is reflected?

5 What type of loop (bottom zone) is associated with drug abuse?

6. What writing indicates a tremendous sexual imagination?

7. What type of writing reveals a penetrating and penetrating personality, one that does not give up easily?

8. What does the bottom part that is inflated and points to the left (the self) reveal?

9. Marilyn Monroe’s writing shows hypersexuality. Explain how this is indicated.

10. The Marquis de Sade shows sadism in his writings. Explain how this is noticed.

11. What is pasty writing? What does it reveal?

Lesson 6 Answers

1. The lower zone

2. The letter ‘g’

3. A rejection of sex by the writer.

4. Sexual frustration

5. Double loops

6. Extremely large loops (in the lower area)

7. The g loop that is tapered at the bottom

8. Greed and selfishness.

9. The space between the lines in Marilyn Monroe’s writing is quite large and yet the underlying lengths drown in the line below it.

10. The writing is excessively muddy and full of ink, which indicates sensuality. It also contains sharp strokes at the end, and since the ending strokes represent his relationship with his fellow man, this indicates his pleasure in cruelty.

11. Cloudy, stained and unclear writing. Sensuality is revealed.

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